Predicting and Classifying Patient Phenotypes with Multi-Omics Data

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Documentation for package ‘asmbPLS’ version 1.0.0

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asmbPLS-package Predicting and Classifying Patient Phenotypes with Multi-Omics Data
asmbPLS Predicting and Classifying Patient Phenotypes with Multi-Omics Data Cross-validation for asmbPLS to find the best combinations of quantiles for prediction
asmbPLS.example Example data for asmbPLS algorithm asmbPLS for block-structured data
asmbPLS.predict Using an asmbPLS model for prediction of new samples Cross-validation for asmbPLS-DA to find the best combinations of quantiles for classification
asmbPLSDA.example Example data for asmbPLS-DA algorithm asmbPLS-DA for block-structured data
asmbPLSDA.predict Using an asmbPLS-DA model for classification of new samples asmbPLS-DA vote model fit Using an asmbPLS-DA vote model for classification of new samples mbPLS for block-structured data
meanimp Mean imputation for the survival time
plotCor Graphical output for the asmbPLS-DA framework
plotPLS PLS plot for asmbPLS-DA
plotRelevance Relevance plot for asmbPLS-DA
quantileComb Create the quantile combination set for asmbPLS and asmbPLS-DA
to.categorical Converts a class vector to a binary class matrix