balance |
Functions to compute the balance statistics |
balance-class |
Functions to compute the balance statistics |
bayesglm |
Bayesian generalized linear models. |
bayesglm-class |
Bayesian generalized linear models. | |
Bayesian generalized linear models. |
bayespolr |
Bayesian Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression |
bayespolr-class |
Bayesian Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression |
binned.resids |
Binned Residual Plot |
binnedplot |
Binned Residual Plot |
coef.sim |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
coef.sim.merMod |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
coef.sim.polr |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
coefplot |
Generic Function for Making Coefficient Plot |
coefplot-method |
Generic Function for Making Coefficient Plot |
coefplot.default |
Generic Function for Making Coefficient Plot |
contr.bayes.ordered |
Contrast Matrices |
contr.bayes.unordered |
Contrast Matrices |
corrplot |
Correlation Plot |
discrete.hist |
Histogram for Discrete Distributions |
discrete.histogram |
Histogram for Discrete Distributions |
display |
Functions for Processing lm, glm, mer, polr and svyglm Output |
display-method |
Functions for Processing lm, glm, mer, polr and svyglm Output |
extractAIC.merMod |
Extract AIC and DIC from a 'mer' model |
extractDIC |
Extract AIC and DIC from a 'mer' model |
extractDIC.merMod |
Extract AIC and DIC from a 'mer' model |
fitted.sim.merMod |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
fixef.sim.merMod |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
fround |
Formating the Rounding of Numbers |
G |
Function to Recall Last Source File |
go |
Function to Recall Last Source File |
GO-class |
Function to Recall Last Source File |
invlogit |
Logistic and Inverse logistic functions |
lalonde |
Lalonde Dataset |
logit |
Logistic and Inverse logistic functions |
matching |
Single Nearest Neighborhood Matching |
mcplot |
Multiple Comparison Plot |
mcsamp |
Generic Function to Run 'mcmcsamp()' in lme4 |
mcsamp-method |
Generic Function to Run 'mcmcsamp()' in lme4 |
mcsamp.default |
Generic Function to Run 'mcmcsamp()' in lme4 |
model.matrixBayes |
Construct Design Matrices |
multicomp.plot |
Multiple Comparison Plot |
pfround |
Formating the Rounding of Numbers |
plot.balance |
Functions to compute the balance statistics |
predict.bayesglm |
Bayesian generalized linear models. |
print-method |
Bayesian generalized linear models. |
print-method |
Bayesian Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression |
print.balance |
Functions to compute the balance statistics |
ranef.sim.merMod |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
read.columns |
Function to read data by columns |
rescale |
Function for Standardizing by Centering and Dividing by 2 sd's |
residual.plot |
residual plot for the observed values |
se.coef |
Extract Standard Errors of Model Coefficients |
se.coef-method |
Extract Standard Errors of Model Coefficients |
se.fixef |
Extract Standard Errors of Model Coefficients |
se.ranef |
Extract Standard Errors of Model Coefficients |
show-method |
Bayesian generalized linear models. |
show-method |
Bayesian Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression |
sigma.hat |
Extract Residual Errors |
sigma.hat.glm |
Extract Residual Errors |
sigma.hat.lm |
Extract Residual Errors |
sigma.hat.merMod |
Extract Residual Errors |
sigma.hat.sim |
Extract Residual Errors |
sigma.hat.sim.merMod |
Extract Residual Errors |
sim |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
sim-class |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
sim-method |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
sim.merMod-class |
Functions to Get Posterior Distributions |
standardize |
Function for Standardizing Regression Predictors by Centering and Dividing by 2 sd's |
standardize-method |
Function for Standardizing Regression Predictors by Centering and Dividing by 2 sd's |
traceplot |
Trace plot of 'bugs' object |
traceplot-method |
Trace plot of 'bugs' object |
traceplot.default |
Trace plot of 'bugs' object |
triangleplot |
Triangle Plot |