archivist-package |
Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects |
%a% |
magrittr - a Forward-Pipe Operator for R |
addHooksToPrint |
Add 'archivist' Hooks to 'rmarkdown' Reports |
addTagsRepo |
Add new Tags to the Existing Repository |
aformat |
Show Artifact's List of Foramts |
ahistory |
Show Artifact's History |
alink |
Return a Link To Download an Artifact Stored on Remote Repository |
aoptions |
Default Options for Archivist |
aread |
Read Artifacts Given as md5hashes from the Repository |
areadLocal |
Read Artifacts Given as md5hashes from the Repository |
asave |
Save an Artifact into a Repository |
asearch |
Read Artifacts Given as a List of Tags |
asearchLocal |
Read Artifacts Given as a List of Tags |
asession |
Show Artifact's Session Info |
atrace |
Add Tracing For All Objects Created By Given Function |
cache |
Enable Caching of the Function Results with the use of Archivist |
copyLocalRepo |
Copy an Existing Repository into Another Repository |
copyRemoteRepo |
Copy an Existing Repository into Another Repository |
createEmptyRepo |
Create an Empty Repository |
createLocalRepo |
Create an Empty Repository |
createMDGallery |
Create the Summary for Each Artifact in a Markdown Format |
createPostgresRepo |
Create an Empty Repository |
deleteLocalRepo |
Delete the Existing Repository from the Given Directory |
deleteRepo |
Delete the Existing Repository from the Given Directory |
getRemoteHook |
Get http Hook for Remote Repo |
getTagsLocal |
Return Tags Corresponding to md5hash |
getTagsRemote |
Return Tags Corresponding to md5hash |
loadFromLocalRepo |
Load Artifact Given as a md5hash from a Repository |
loadFromRemoteRepo |
Load Artifact Given as a md5hash from a Repository |
md5hash |
md5hash |
multiSearchInLocalRepo |
Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags |
multiSearchInRemoteRepo |
Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags |
removeTagsRepo |
Remove Tags from Repository |
Repository |
Repository |
restoreLibs |
Restore Versions of Libraries |
rmFromLocalRepo |
Remove an Artifact Given as a md5hash from the Repository |
rmFromRepo |
Remove an Artifact Given as a md5hash from the Repository |
saveToLocalRepo |
Save an Artifact into a Repository |
saveToRepo |
Save an Artifact into a Repository |
searchInLocalRepo |
Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags |
searchInRemoteRepo |
Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags |
setLocalRepo |
Set Repository's Global Path |
setPostgresRepo |
Set Repository's Global Path |
setRemoteRepo |
Set Repository's Global Path |
shinySearchInLocalRepo |
Shiny Based Live Search for an Artifact in a Repository Using Tags |
showLocalRepo |
View the List of Artifacts from the Repository |
showRemoteRepo |
View the List of Artifacts from the Repository |
splitTagsLocal |
Split Tags in Repository |
splitTagsRemote |
Split Tags in Repository |
summaryLocalRepo |
View the Summary of the Repository |
summaryRemoteRepo |
View the Summary of the Repository |
Tags |
Tags |
zipLocalRepo |
Create a zip Archive From an Existing Repository |
zipRemoteRepo |
Create a zip Archive From an Existing Repository |