Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects

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Documentation for package ‘archivist’ version 2.3.6

Help Pages

archivist-package Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects
%a% magrittr - a Forward-Pipe Operator for R
addHooksToPrint Add 'archivist' Hooks to 'rmarkdown' Reports
addTagsRepo Add new Tags to the Existing Repository
aformat Show Artifact's List of Foramts
ahistory Show Artifact's History
alink Return a Link To Download an Artifact Stored on Remote Repository
aoptions Default Options for Archivist
aread Read Artifacts Given as md5hashes from the Repository
areadLocal Read Artifacts Given as md5hashes from the Repository
asave Save an Artifact into a Repository
asearch Read Artifacts Given as a List of Tags
asearchLocal Read Artifacts Given as a List of Tags
asession Show Artifact's Session Info
atrace Add Tracing For All Objects Created By Given Function
cache Enable Caching of the Function Results with the use of Archivist
copyLocalRepo Copy an Existing Repository into Another Repository
copyRemoteRepo Copy an Existing Repository into Another Repository
createEmptyRepo Create an Empty Repository
createLocalRepo Create an Empty Repository
createMDGallery Create the Summary for Each Artifact in a Markdown Format
createPostgresRepo Create an Empty Repository
deleteLocalRepo Delete the Existing Repository from the Given Directory
deleteRepo Delete the Existing Repository from the Given Directory
getRemoteHook Get http Hook for Remote Repo
getTagsLocal Return Tags Corresponding to md5hash
getTagsRemote Return Tags Corresponding to md5hash
loadFromLocalRepo Load Artifact Given as a md5hash from a Repository
loadFromRemoteRepo Load Artifact Given as a md5hash from a Repository
md5hash md5hash
multiSearchInLocalRepo Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags
multiSearchInRemoteRepo Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags
removeTagsRepo Remove Tags from Repository
Repository Repository
restoreLibs Restore Versions of Libraries
rmFromLocalRepo Remove an Artifact Given as a md5hash from the Repository
rmFromRepo Remove an Artifact Given as a md5hash from the Repository
saveToLocalRepo Save an Artifact into a Repository
saveToRepo Save an Artifact into a Repository
searchInLocalRepo Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags
searchInRemoteRepo Search for an Artifact in the Repository Using Tags
setLocalRepo Set Repository's Global Path
setPostgresRepo Set Repository's Global Path
setRemoteRepo Set Repository's Global Path
shinySearchInLocalRepo Shiny Based Live Search for an Artifact in a Repository Using Tags
showLocalRepo View the List of Artifacts from the Repository
showRemoteRepo View the List of Artifacts from the Repository
splitTagsLocal Split Tags in Repository
splitTagsRemote Split Tags in Repository
summaryLocalRepo View the Summary of the Repository
summaryRemoteRepo View the Summary of the Repository
Tags Tags
zipLocalRepo Create a zip Archive From an Existing Repository
zipRemoteRepo Create a zip Archive From an Existing Repository