apollo_beta |
Named numeric vector. Names and values for parameters.
apollo_fixed |
Character vector. Names (as defined in apollo_beta ) of parameters whose value should not change during estimation.
database |
data.frame. Data used by model.
apollo_control |
List. Options controlling the running of the code. User input is required for all settings except those with a default or marked as optional.
analyticGrad : Boolean. TRUE to use analytical gradients during parameter estimation, if they are available. FALSE to use numerical gradients. - TRUE by default.
calculateLLC : Boolean. TRUE if user wants to calculate LL at constants (if applicable). - TRUE by default.
HB : Boolean. TRUE if using RSGHB for Bayesian estimation of model.
indivID : Character. Name of column in the database with each decision maker's ID.
mixing : Boolean. TRUE for models that include random parameters.
modelDescr : Character. Description of the model. Used in output files.
modelName : Character. Name of the model. Used when saving the output to files.
nCores : Numeric>0. Number of cores to use in calculations of the model likelihood.
noDiagnostics : Boolean. TRUE if user does not wish model diagnostics to be printed - FALSE by default.
noValidation : Boolean. TRUE if user does not wish model input to be validated before estimation - FALSE by default.
outputDirectory : Character. Optional directory for outputs if different from working director - empty by default
panelData : Boolean. TRUE if there are multiple observations (i.e. rows) for each decision maker - Automatically set based on indivID by default.
seed : Numeric. Seed for random number generation.
weights : Character. Name of column in database containing weights for estimation.
workInLogs : Boolean. TRUE for increased numeric precision in models with panel data - FALSE by default.
apollo_HB |
List. Contains options for Bayesian estimation. See ?RSGHB::doHB for details.
Parameters modelname , gVarNamesFixed , gVarNamesNormal ,
gDIST , svN and FC are automatically set based on the
other arguments of this function.
Other settings to include are the following.
constraintNorm : Character vector. Constraints for random coefficients
in bayesian estimation. Constraints can be written as
"b1>b2", "b1<b2", "b1>0", or "b1<0".
fixedA : Named numeric vector. Contains the names and fixed mean values of
random parameters. For example, c(b1=0) fixes the mean of b1 to zero.
fixedD : Named numeric vector. Contains the names and fixed variance of
random parameters. For example, c(b1=1) fixes the variance of b1 to zero.
gNCREP : Numeric. Number of burn-in iterations to use prior to convergence (default=10^5).
gNEREP : Numeric. Number of iterations to keep for averaging after convergence has been reached (default=10^5).
gINFOSKIP : Numeric. Number of iterations between printing/plotting information about the iteration process (default=250).
hbDist : Mandatory setting. A named character vector determining
the distribution of each parameter to be estimated. Possible
values are as follows.
"CN+" : Positive censored normal.
"CN-" : Negative censored normal.
"DNE" : Parameter kept at its starting value (not estimated).
"JSB" : Johnson SB.
"LN+" : Positive log-normal.
"LN-" : Negative log-normal.
"N" : Normal.
"NR" : Fixed (as in non-random) parameter.
apollo_draws |
List of arguments describing the inter and intra individual draws. Required only if apollo_control$mixing = TRUE . Unused elements can be ommited.
interDrawsType : Character. Type of inter-individual draws ('halton','mlhs','pmc','sobol','sobolOwen',
'sobolFaureTezuka', 'sobolOwenFaureTezuka' or the name of an object loaded in memory,
see manual in www.ApolloChoiceModelling.com for details).
interNDraws : Numeric scalar (>=0). Number of inter-individual draws per individual. Should be set to 0 if not using them.
interNormDraws : Character vector. Names of normaly distributed inter-individual draws.
interUnifDraws : Character vector. Names of uniform-distributed inter-individual draws.
intraDrawsType : Character. Type of intra-individual draws ('halton','mlhs','pmc','sobol','sobolOwen','sobolFaureTezuka', 'sobolOwenFaureTezuka' or the name of an object loaded in memory).
intraNDraws : Numeric scalar (>=0). Number of intra-individual draws per individual. Should be set to 0 if not using them.
intraUnifDraws : Character vector. Names of uniform-distributed intra-individual draws.
intraNormDraws : Character vector. Names of normaly distributed intra-individual draws.
apollo_randCoeff |
Function. Used with mixing models. Constructs the random parameters of a mixing model. Receives two arguments:
apollo_lcPars |
Function. Used with latent class models. Constructs a list of parameters for each latent class. Receives two arguments:
recycle |
Logical. If TRUE, an older version of apollo_inputs is looked for in the calling environment (parent frame), and any
element in that old version created by the user is copied into the new apollo_inputs returned by this function.
For recycle=TRUE to work, the old version of apollo_inputs must be named "apollo_inputs".
If FALSE, nothing is copied from any older version of apollo_inputs. FALSE is the default.
silent |
Logical. TRUE to keep the function from printing to the console. Default is FALSE.