List. Contains settings for this function. User input is required for all settings except those with a default or marked as optional.
: Logical. TRUE for printing difference between starting values and estimates. FALSE by default.
: Logical. TRUE for printing classical standard errors. TRUE by default.
: Boolean. TRUE for printing parameters correlation matrix. If printClassical=TRUE
, both classical and robust matrices are printed. For Bayesian estimation, this setting is used for the covariane of random parameters. FALSE by default.
: Boolean. TRUE for printing parameters covariance matrix. If printClassical=TRUE
, both classical and robust matrices are printed. For Bayesian estimation, this setting is used for the correlation of random parameters. FALSE by default.
: Logical. TRUE for printing summary of choices in database and other diagnostics. FALSE by default.
: Logical. TRUE for printing fixed parameters among estimated parameter. TRUE by default.
: Logical. TRUE for printing apollo_control, apollo_randCoeff (when available), apollo_lcPars (when available) and apollo_probabilities. FALSE by default.
: Boolean. TRUE for printing Geweke convergence tests. FALSE by default.
: Boolean. TRUE for printing an iterations report for HB estimation. TRUE by default.
: Logical. TRUE for printing model structure. TRUE by default.
: Logical or Scalar. TRUE for printing 20 individuals with worst average fit across observations. FALSE by default. If Scalar is given, this replaces the default of 20.
: Logical or Scalar. TRUE or 1 for printing p-values for one-sided test, 2 for printing p-values for two-sided test, FALSE for not printing p-values. FALSE by default.
: Logical. If TRUE, t-test for H0: apollo_beta=1 are printed. FALSE by default.