Tools for Antitrust Practitioners

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Documentation for package ‘antitrust’ version 0.99.26

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-- A --

aids (Nested) AIDS Calibration and Merger Simulation
AIDS-class "Bertrand" Classes
AIDS-Functions (Nested) AIDS Calibration and Merger Simulation
Antitrust-Class "Antitrust" Classes
Antitrust-class "Antitrust" Classes
Auction-Classes Class "Auction"
auction2nd.cap (Capacity Constrained) 2nd Price Auction Model
auction2nd.logit 2nd Score Procurement Auction Model with (Nested) Logit Demand
auction2nd.logit.alm 2nd Score Procurement Auction Model with (Nested) Logit Demand
auction2nd.logit.nests 2nd Score Procurement Auction Model with (Nested) Logit Demand
Auction2ndCap (Capacity Constrained) 2nd Price Auction Model
Auction2ndCap-class Class "Auction"
Auction2ndCap-Functions (Capacity Constrained) 2nd Price Auction Model
Auction2ndLogit-class Class "Auction"
Auction2ndLogit-Functions 2nd Score Procurement Auction Model with (Nested) Logit Demand
Auction2ndLogitALM-class Class "Auction"
Auction2ndLogitNests-class Class "Auction"
AuctionCap-Methods Auction Cap Methods

-- B --

Bargaining-class "Bargaining" Classes
Bargaining-Classes "Bargaining" Classes
bargaining.logit Nash Bargaining Model with Logit Demand
bargaining2nd.logit Nash Bargaining Model with Logit Demand
Bargaining2ndLogit-class "Bargaining" Classes
BargainingLogit-class "Bargaining" Classes
BargainingLogit-Functions Nash Bargaining Model with Logit Demand
Bertrand Bertrand Calibration and Merger Simulation With Logit, CES and AIDS Demand
bertrand Bertrand Calibration and Merger Simulation With Logit, CES and AIDS Demand
Bertrand-class "Bertrand" Classes
Bertrand-Functions Bertrand Calibration and Merger Simulation With Logit, CES and AIDS Demand
bertrand.alm Bertrand Calibration and Merger Simulation With Logit, CES and AIDS Demand
BertrandOther-Classes "Bertrand" Classes
BertrandRUM-Classes "Bertrand RUM" Classes

-- C --

calcBuyerExpectedCost Auction Cap Methods
calcBuyerExpectedCost-method Auction Cap Methods
calcBuyerValuation Auction Cap Methods
calcBuyerValuation-method Auction Cap Methods
calcDiagnostics Methods for Calculating Diagnostics
calcDiagnostics-method Methods for Calculating Diagnostics
calcdMC Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
calcdMC-method Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
calcExpectedLowestCost Auction Cap Methods
calcExpectedLowestCost-method Auction Cap Methods
calcExpectedPrice Auction Cap Methods
calcExpectedPrice-method Auction Cap Methods
calcMargins Methods for Calculating Diagnostics
calcMargins-method Methods for Calculating Diagnostics
calcMC Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
calcMC-method Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
calcOptimalReserve Auction Cap Methods
calcOptimalReserve-method Auction Cap Methods
calcPriceDelta Methods For Calculating Price Delta
calcPriceDelta-method Methods For Calculating Price Delta
calcPriceDeltaHypoMon Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
calcPriceDeltaHypoMon-method Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
calcPrices "Calculating Prices" Methods
calcPrices-method "Calculating Prices" Methods
calcPricesHypoMon Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
calcPricesHypoMon-method Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
calcProducerSurplus Producer Surplus Methods
calcProducerSurplus-method Producer Surplus Methods
calcProducerSurplusGrimTrigger Producer Surplus Methods
calcProducerSurplusGrimTrigger-method Producer Surplus Methods
calcQuantities Output Methods
calcQuantities-method Output Methods
calcRevenues Output Methods
calcRevenues-method Output Methods
calcSellerCostParms Auction Cap Methods
calcSellerCostParms-method Auction Cap Methods
calcShares Output Methods
calcShares-method Output Methods
calcSlopes Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters
calcSlopes-method Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters
calcVC Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
calcVC-method Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
cdfG Auction Cap Methods
cdfG-method Auction Cap Methods
ces (Nested) Constant Elasticity of Substitution Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation
CES-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
CES-Functions (Nested) Constant Elasticity of Substitution Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation
ces.alm (Nested) Constant Elasticity of Substitution Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation
ces.nests (Nested) Constant Elasticity of Substitution Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation
CESALM-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
CESNests-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
characterOrList-class "Antitrust" Classes
cmcr Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Bertrand)
cmcr-method Methods For Calculating Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions
CMCR-Methods Methods For Calculating Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions
cmcr-methods Methods For Calculating Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions
cmcr.bertrand Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Bertrand)
cmcr.cournot Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Cournot)
cmcr.cournot2 Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Cournot)
CMCRBertrand-Functions Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Bertrand)
CMCRCournot-Functions Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Cournot)
Cost-Methods Methods for Calculating marginal and Variable Costs
Cournot Multi-product Cournot/Stackelberg Calibration and Merger Simulation With Linear or Log-Linear Demand
cournot Multi-product Cournot/Stackelberg Calibration and Merger Simulation With Linear or Log-Linear Demand
Cournot-class "Cournot" Classes
Cournot-classes "Cournot" Classes
Cournot-Functions Multi-product Cournot/Stackelberg Calibration and Merger Simulation With Linear or Log-Linear Demand
CV Methods For Calculating Compensating Variation (CV)
CV-method Methods For Calculating Compensating Variation (CV)
CV-Methods Methods For Calculating Compensating Variation (CV)
CV-methods Methods For Calculating Compensating Variation (CV)

-- D --

defineMarketTools-methods Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
Diagnostics-Methods Methods for Calculating Diagnostics
diversion Methods For Calculating Diversion
diversion-method Methods For Calculating Diversion
Diversion-Methods Methods For Calculating Diversion
diversion-methods Methods For Calculating Diversion
diversionHypoMon Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
diversionHypoMon-method Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test

-- E --

elast Methods For Calculating Own and Cross-Price Elasticities
elast-method Methods For Calculating Own and Cross-Price Elasticities
Elast-Methods Methods For Calculating Own and Cross-Price Elasticities
elast-methods Methods For Calculating Own and Cross-Price Elasticities

-- G --

getNestsParms Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters
getNestsParms-method Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters
getParms Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters
getParms-method Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters

-- H --

HHI Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
hhi Methods For Calculating the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HHI-Functions Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
hhi-method Methods For Calculating the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HHI-Methods Methods For Calculating the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HypoMonTest Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test
HypoMonTest-method Methods For Implementing The Hypothetical Monopolist Test

-- L --

linear Linear and Log-Linear Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation
Linear-class "Bertrand" Classes
Linear-Functions Linear and Log-Linear Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation
logit (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
Logit-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
Logit-Functions (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
logit.alm (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
logit.cap (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
logit.cap.alm (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
logit.nests (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
logit.nests.alm (Nested) Logit Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation)
LogitALM-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
LogitCap-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
LogitCapALM-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
LogitNests-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
LogitNestsALM-class "Bertrand RUM" Classes
LogLin-class "Bertrand" Classes
loglinear Linear and Log-Linear Demand Calibration and Merger Simulation

-- M --

Margins-Methods Methods for Calculating Diagnostics
matrixOrList-class "Antitrust" Classes
matrixOrVector-class "Antitrust" Classes

-- O --

Output-Methods Output Methods
Ownership-methods Methods for Manipulating Ownership Matrices
ownerToMatrix Methods for Manipulating Ownership Matrices
ownerToMatrix-method Methods for Manipulating Ownership Matrices
ownerToVec Methods for Manipulating Ownership Matrices
ownerToVec-method Methods for Manipulating Ownership Matrices

-- P --

Params-Methods Methods for Calculating Demand Parameters
pcaids (Nested) AIDS Calibration and Merger Simulation
PCAIDS-class "Bertrand" Classes
pcaids.nests (Nested) AIDS Calibration and Merger Simulation
PCAIDSNests-class "Bertrand" Classes
plot-method Methods For Calculating Upwards Pricing Pressure Index (Bertrand)
Plot-Methods Methods For Calculating Upwards Pricing Pressure Index (Bertrand)
PriceDelta-Methods Methods For Calculating Price Delta
Prices-Methods "Calculating Prices" Methods
PS-methods Producer Surplus Methods

-- S --

show-method Show Method
Show-Methods Show Method
sim Merger Simulation With User-Supplied Demand Parameters
Sim-Functions Merger Simulation With User-Supplied Demand Parameters
Stackelberg Multi-product Cournot/Stackelberg Calibration and Merger Simulation With Linear or Log-Linear Demand
stackelberg Multi-product Cournot/Stackelberg Calibration and Merger Simulation With Linear or Log-Linear Demand
Stackelberg-class "Cournot" Classes
summary-method Summary Methods
summary-methods Summary Methods
SupplyChain-Functions Supply Chain Merger Simulation

-- U --

upp Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Bertrand)
upp-method Methods For Calculating Upwards Pricing Pressure Index (Bertrand)
UPP-Methods Methods For Calculating Upwards Pricing Pressure Index (Bertrand)
upp-methods Methods For Calculating Upwards Pricing Pressure Index (Bertrand)
upp.bertrand Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Bertrand)
upp.cournot Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions and Upwards Pricing Pressure (Cournot)

-- V --

VertBarg2ndLogit "Vertical" Classes
VertBarg2ndLogit-class "Vertical" Classes
VertBarg2ndLogitNests "Vertical" Classes
VertBarg2ndLogitNests-class "Vertical" Classes
VertBargBertLogit "Vertical" Classes
VertBargBertLogit-class "Vertical" Classes
VertBargBertLogitNests "Vertical" Classes
vertical Supply Chain Merger Simulation
Vertical-Classes "Vertical" Classes
vertical.barg Supply Chain Merger Simulation