nll_exposed_infected {anovir}R Documentation

Negative log-likelihood function: exposed-infected


Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for patterns of mortality in infected and control treatments, where the infected population harbours an unobserved proportion of hosts that were exposed to infection, but did not become infected.


  a1 = a1,
  b1 = b1,
  a2 = a2,
  b2 = b2,
  p1 = p1,
  data = data,
  time = time,
  censor = censor,
  infected_treatment = infected_treatment,
  d1 = "Weibull",
  d2 = "Weibull"


a1, b1

location and scale parameters for background mortality

a2, b2

location and scale parameters for mortality due to infection


unobserved proportion of hosts exposed to infection and infected; 0 <= p1 <= 1


name of data frame containing survival data


name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0


name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1)


name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment

d1, d2

names of probability distributions chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively'; both default to the Weibull distribution


This function returns the nll based on five parameters, the location and scale parameters for background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively, plus a parameter for the proportion of hosts that became infected when exposed to infection.



See Also

nll_two_inf_subpops_obs nll_two_inf_subpops_unobs


# check column names in head of data frame with data to analyse

# step #1: prepare nll function for analysis
    m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1){
        a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1,
        data = data_parker,
        time = t,
        censor = censored,
        infected_treatment = g,
        d1 = "Frechet",
        d2 = "Weibull")

# step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation
    m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function,
             start = list(a1 = 2.5, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, p1 = 0.5)


# model setting lower & upper bounds to parameter estimates
  # including 0 < p1 < 1
    m02 <- mle2(m01_prep_function,
             start = list(a1 = 2.5, b1 = 1.2, a2 = 1.9, b2 = 0.16, p1 = 0.48),
             method = "L-BFGS-B",
             lower = c(a1 = 0, b1 = 0, a2 = 0, b2 = 0, p1 = 0),
             upper = c(a1 = Inf, b1 = Inf, a2 = Inf, b2 = Inf, p1 = 1),


[Package anovir version 0.1.0 Index]