animl |
Title |
applyPredictions |
Apply Classifier Predictions and Merge DataFrames |
bestGuess |
Select Best Classification From Multiple Frames |
buildFileManifest |
Extract exif Data and Create File Manifest |
checkFile |
Check for files existence and prompt user if they want to load |
convertCoordinates |
Convert bbox from Relative to Absolute Coordinates |
cropImageGenerator |
Tensorflow data generator that crops images to bounding box. |
cropImageTrainGenerator |
Tensorflow data generator for training that crops images to bounding box. |
detectObject |
Run MD on a Single Image |
detectObjectBatch |
Run MegaDetector on a batch of images |
extractBoxes |
Extract bounding boxes and save as new image from a batch of images |
extractBoxesFromFlat |
Extract crops from a single image represented by a processed dataframe |
extractBoxesFromMD |
Extract bounding boxes for a single image and save as new images |
getAnimals |
Return a dataframe of only MD animals |
getEmpty |
Return MD empty, vehicle and human images in a dataframe |
imageAugmentationColor |
Perform image augmentation through random color adjustments on an image/label pair. |
imageAugmentationGeometry |
Perform random geometric transformations on an image. |
ImageGenerator |
Tensorflow data generator that resizes images. |
ImageGeneratorSize |
Tensorflow data generator that resizes images and returns original image size. |
imageLabel |
Load image and return a tensor with an image and a corresponding label. |
imageLabelCrop |
Load image, crop and return a tensor with an image and a corresponding label. |
imagesFromVideos |
Extract frames from video for classification |
loadData |
Load .csv or .Rdata file |
loadImage |
Load an image and return the full size image as an image tensor. |
loadImageResize |
Load and resize an image and return an image tensor. |
loadImageResizeCrop |
Load, resize and crop an image and return an image tensor. |
loadImageResizeSize |
Load and resize an image and return an image tensor as well as a tensor with the original image size. |
loadMDModel |
Load MegaDetector model file from directory or file |
parseMD |
parse MD results into a simple dataframe |
parseMDjson |
converte the JSON file produced bye the Python version of MegaDetector into the format produced by detectObjectBatch |
plotBoxes |
Plot bounding boxes on image from md results |
predictSpecies |
Classifies Crops Using Specified Models |
processYOLO5 |
Process YOLO5 output and convert to MD format |
resizePad |
Resize an image with padding |
saveData |
Save Data to Given File |
sequenceClassification |
Leverage sequences to classify images |
setupDirectory |
Set Working Directory and Save File Global Variables |
symlinkMD |
Create SymLink Directories and Sort Classified Images Based on MD Results |
symlinkSpecies |
Create SymLink Directories and Sort Classified Images |
symUnlink |
Remove Symlinks |
testMD |
Select a Random Image and Run Through MegaDetector |
updateResults |
Title |