animation-package |
A Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations |
ani.options |
Set or query animation options |
ani.pause |
Pause for a while and flush the current graphical device |
ani.record |
Record and replay animations |
ani.replay |
Record and replay animations |
animation |
A Gallery of Animations in Statistics and Utilities to Create Animations |
bisection.method |
Demonstration of the Bisection Method for root-finding on an interval | |
Brownian Motion in a circle |
boot.iid |
Demonstrate bootstrapping for iid data |
boot.lowess |
Bootstrapping with LOWESS |
brownian.motion |
Demonstration of Brownian motion on the 2D plane |
buffon.needle |
Simulation of Buffon's Needle |
The NBA game between CLE Cavaliers and LAL Lakers on Dec 25, 2009 |
clt.ani |
Demonstration of the Central Limit Theorem | |
Demonstration of the concept of confidence intervals |
cv.ani |
Demonstration for the process of cross-validation |
cv.nfeaturesLDA |
Cross-validation to find the optimum number of features (variables) in LDA |
ecol.death.sim |
A simulation of the death of two species with certain probabilities |
flip.coin |
Probability in flipping coins |
g.brownian.motion |
Brownian Motion using Google Visualization API |
gm.convert |
A wrapper for the 'convert' utility of ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick |
grad.desc |
Gradient Descent Algorithm for the 2D case |
HuSpeech |
Word counts of a speech by the Chinese President Hu |
iatemp |
Average yearly temperatures in central Iowa |
im.convert |
A wrapper for the 'convert' utility of ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick |
kfcv |
Sample sizes for k-fold cross-validation |
kmeans.ani |
Demonstration of the k-Means clustering algorithm |
knn.ani |
Demonstration of the k-Nearest Neighbour classification |
least.squares |
Demonstrate the least squares method |
lln.ani |
Demonstration of Law of Large Numbers |
MC.hitormiss |
Hit or Miss Monte Carlo integration |
MC.samplemean |
Sample Mean Monte Carlo integration |
moving.block |
Cycle through an R object and plot each subset of elements |
mwar.ani |
Demonstration for "Moving Window Auto-Regression" |
newton.method |
Demonstration of the Newton-Raphson method for root-finding |
ObamaSpeech |
Word counts of a speech by the US President Obama |
pageview |
Page views from Sep 21, 2007 to Dec 2, 2007 of Yihui's website |
pdftk |
A wrapper for the PDF toolkit Pdftk |
pollen |
Synthetic dataset about the geometric features of pollen grains |
price.ani |
Demonstrate stock prices in animations |
qpdf |
A wrapper for the PDF toolkit qpdf |
quincunx |
Demonstration of the Quincunx (Bean Machine/Galton Box) |
quincunx2 |
Demonstration of the Quincunx (Bean Machine/Galton Box) |
Rosling.bubbles |
The bubbles animation in Hans Rosling's Talk |
sample.cluster |
Demonstration for the cluster sampling |
sample.ratio |
Demonstrate the ratio estimation in sampling survey |
sample.simple |
Demonstration for simple random sampling without replacement |
sample.strat |
Demonstration for the stratified sampling |
sample.system |
Demonstration for the systematic sampling |
saveGIF |
Convert images to a single animation file (typically GIF) using ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick |
saveHTML |
Insert animations into an HTML page |
saveLatex |
Insert animations into a LaTeX document and compile it |
saveMovie |
Convert images to a single animation file (typically GIF) using ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick |
saveSWF |
Convert images to Flash animations |
saveVideo |
Convert a sequence of images to a video by FFmpeg |
sim.qqnorm |
Simulation of QQ plots for the Normal distribution |
vanke1127 |
Stock prices of Vanke Co., Ltd on 2009/11/27 |
vi.grid.illusion |
Visual illusions: Scintillating grid illusion and Hermann grid illusion |
vi.lilac.chaser |
Visual Illusions: Lilac Chaser |