Alternative Meta-Analysis Methods

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Documentation for package ‘altmeta’ version 4.1

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dat.adams A Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Fluvastatin 20 mg/day on High-Density Lipoprotein
dat.aex A Meta-Analysis for Evaluating the Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Visceral Adipose Tissue Content/Volume
dat.annane A Meta-Analysis for Comparing the Effect of Steroids vs. Control in the Length of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Stay
dat.baker A Network Meta-Analysis on Effects of Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
dat.barlow A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Parent Training Programs vs. Control for Improving Parental Psychosocial Health Within 4 Weeks After Intervention
dat.beck17 A Meta-Analysis of Prevalence of Depression or Depressive Symptoms Among Medical Students
dat.bellamy A Meta-Analysis on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus After Gestational Diabetes
dat.bjelakovic A Meta-Analysis on the Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation for the Prevention of Mortality in Healthy Adults and Adults in a Stable Phase of Disease
dat.bohren A Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Continuous, One-To-One Intrapartum Support on Spontaneous Vaginal Births, Compared With Usual Care
dat.butters A Meta-Analysis on the Overall Response of the Addition of Drugs to a Chemotherapy Regimen for Metastatic Breast Cancer
dat.carless A Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich-Plasmapheresis in Reducing Peri-Operative Allogeneic Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery
dat.chor A Meta-Analysis of Proportions on Chorioamnionitis
dat.ducharme A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Long-Acting Inhaled Beta2-Agonists vs. Control for Chronic Asthma
dat.fib A Multivariate Meta-Analysis by the Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration
dat.ha A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Placebo Interventions for All Clinical Conditions Regarding Patient-Reported Outcomes
dat.henry A Meta-Analysis for Evaluating the Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Perioperative Allogeneic Blood Transfusion
dat.hipfrac A Meta-Analysis on the Magnitude and Duration of Excess Mortality After Hip Fracture Among Older Men
dat.kaner A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Brief Alcohol Interventions vs. Control in Primary Care Populations
dat.lcj A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Progressive Resistance Strength Training Exercise vs. Control
dat.paige A Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Spinal Manipulative Therapies (Other Than Sham)
dat.plourde A Meta-Analysis for Comparing the Fluoroscopy Time in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Between Radial and Femoral Accesses
dat.poole A Meta-Analysis for Evaluating the Effect of Mucolytic on Bronchitis/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
dat.pte Meta-Analysis of Multiple Risk Factors for Pterygium A Network Meta-Analysis on Smoking Cessation
dat.scheidler Meta-Analysis on the Utility of Lymphangiography, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastasis
dat.slf A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Nicotine Gum for Smoking Cessation
dat.smith Meta-Analysis on the Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasound for Detecting Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
dat.whiting A Meta-Analysis on Adverse Events for the Comparison Cannabinoid vs. Placebo
dat.williams A Meta-Analysis on the Effect of Pharmacotherapy for Social Anxiety Disorder
dat.xu A Network Meta-Analysis on Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Drugs
maprop.glmm Meta-Analysis of Proportions Using Generalized Linear Mixed Models
maprop.twostep Meta-Analysis of Proportions Using Two-Step Methods
meta.biv Bivariate Method for Meta-Analysis.
meta.dt Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Tests
meta.pen A penalization approach to random-effects meta-analysis
metahet Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity Measures
metaoutliers Outlier Detection in Meta-Analysis
metapb Detecting and Quantifying Publication Bias/Small-Study Effects
mvma Multivariate Meta-Analysis
mvma.bayesian Bayesian Random-Effects Multivariate Meta-Analysis
mvma.hybrid Hybrid Model for Random-Effects Multivariate Meta-Analysis
mvma.hybrid.bayesian Bayesian Hybrid Model for Random-Effects Multivariate Meta-Analysis
nma.icdf Evidence Inconsistency Degrees of Freedom in Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis
nma.predrank Predictive P-Score for Treatment Ranking in Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis
pb.bayesian.binary Bayesian Method for Assessing Publication Bias/Small-Study Effects in Meta-Analysis of a Binary Outcome
pb.hybrid.binary Hybrid Test for Publication Bias/Small-Study Effects in Meta-Analysis With Binary Outcomes
pb.hybrid.generic Hybrid Test for Publication Bias/Small-Study Effects in Meta-Analysis With Generic Outcomes
plot.meta.dt Plot for Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Tests
plot.metaoutliers Standardized Residual Plot for Outliers Diagnostics
print.meta.dt Print Method for "meta.dt" Objects
ssfunnel Contour-Enhanced Sample-Size-Based Funnel Plot