CreateRunOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel {airGRiwrm}R Documentation

Creation of the RunOptions object


This function can be used either for a catchment (with an InputsModel object) or for a network (with a GRiwrmInputsModel object)


## S3 method for class 'GRiwrmInputsModel'
CreateRunOptions(x, IniStates = NULL, ...)

CreateRunOptions(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'InputsModel'
CreateRunOptions(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
CreateRunOptions(x, ...)

## S3 method for class ''function''
CreateRunOptions(x, ...)



For a single catchment, it can be an object of class InputsModel or a function or a character corresponding to FUN_MOD (compliant with airGR call). For a network, it should be an object of class GRiwrmInputsModel. See CreateInputsModel for details


(optional) numeric object or list of numeric object of class IniStates, see airGR::CreateIniStates for details


arguments passed to airGR::CreateRunOptions, see details


See airGR::CreateRunOptions documentation for a complete list of arguments.

If InputsModel argument is a GRiwrmInputsModel object, IniStates must be a list of numeric object of class IniStates with one item per modeled sub-catchment.

With a GRiwrmInputsModel object, all arguments are applied on each sub-catchments of the network.


Depending on the class of InputsModel argument (respectively InputsModel and GRiwrmInputsModel object), the returned value is respectively:


# Run the `airGR::RunModel_Lag` example in the GRiwrm fashion way #
# Simulation of a reservoir with a purpose of low-flow mitigation #

## ---- preparation of the InputsModel object

## loading package and catchment data

## ---- specifications of the reservoir

## the reservoir withdraws 1 m3/s when it's possible considering the flow observed in the basin
Qupstream <- matrix(-sapply(BasinObs$Qls / 1000 - 1, function(x) {
  min(1, max(0, x, na.rm = TRUE))
}), ncol = 1)

## except between July and September when the reservoir releases 3 m3/s for low-flow mitigation
month <- as.numeric(format(BasinObs$DatesR, "%m"))
Qupstream[month >= 7 & month <= 9] <- 3
Qupstream <- Qupstream * 86400 ## Conversion in m3/day

## the reservoir is not an upstream subcachment: its areas is NA
BasinAreas <- c(NA, BasinInfo$BasinArea)

## delay time between the reservoir and the catchment outlet is 2 days and the distance is 150 km
LengthHydro <- 150
## with a delay of 2 days for 150 km, the flow velocity is 75 km per day
Velocity <- (LengthHydro * 1e3 / 2) / (24 * 60 * 60) ## Conversion km/day -> m/s

# This example is a network of 2 nodes which can be describe like this:
db <- data.frame(id = c("Reservoir", "GaugingDown"),
                 length = c(LengthHydro, NA),
                 down = c("GaugingDown", NA),
                 area = c(NA, BasinInfo$BasinArea),
                 model = c(NA, "RunModel_GR4J"),
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Create GRiwrm object from the data.frame
griwrm <- CreateGRiwrm(db)

# Formatting observations for the hydrological models
# Each input data should be a matrix or a data.frame with the good id in the name of the column
Precip <- matrix(BasinObs$P, ncol = 1)
colnames(Precip) <- "GaugingDown"
PotEvap <- matrix(BasinObs$E, ncol = 1)
colnames(PotEvap) <- "GaugingDown"

# Observed flows contain flows that are directly injected in the model
Qobs = matrix(Qupstream, ncol = 1)
colnames(Qobs) <- "Reservoir"

# Creation of the GRiwrmInputsModel object (= a named list of InputsModel objects)
InputsModels <- CreateInputsModel(griwrm,
                            DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR,
                            Precip = Precip,
                            PotEvap = PotEvap,
                            Qobs = Qobs)

## run period selection
Ind_Run <- seq(which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "%Y-%m-%d")=="1990-01-01"),
               which(format(BasinObs$DatesR, format = "%Y-%m-%d")=="1999-12-31"))

# Creation of the GriwmRunOptions object
RunOptions <- CreateRunOptions(InputsModels,
                                IndPeriod_Run = Ind_Run)

# Parameters of the SD models should be encapsulated in a named list
ParamGR4J <- c(X1 = 257.238, X2 = 1.012, X3 = 88.235, X4 = 2.208)
Param <- list(`GaugingDown` = c(Velocity, ParamGR4J))

# RunModel for the whole network
OutputsModels <- RunModel(InputsModels,
                          RunOptions = RunOptions,
                          Param = Param)

# Compare Simulation with reservoir and observation of natural flow
plot(OutputsModels, data.frame(GaugingDown = BasinObs$Qmm[Ind_Run]))

[Package airGRiwrm version 0.6.2 Index]