Calibration | Calibration of the parameters of one catchment or a network of sub-catchments |
Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel | Calibration of the parameters of one catchment or a network of sub-catchments |
Calibration.InputsModel | Calibration of the parameters of one catchment or a network of sub-catchments |
ConvertMeteoSD | Conversion of meteorological data from basin scale to sub-basin scale |
ConvertMeteoSD.character | Conversion of meteorological data from basin scale to sub-basin scale |
ConvertMeteoSD.GRiwrm | Conversion of meteorological data from basin scale to sub-basin scale |
ConvertMeteoSD.matrix | Conversion of meteorological data from basin scale to sub-basin scale |
CreateCalibOptions | Creation of the CalibOptions object |
CreateCalibOptions.character | Creation of the CalibOptions object |
CreateCalibOptions.function | Creation of the CalibOptions object |
CreateCalibOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel | Creation of the CalibOptions object |
CreateCalibOptions.InputsModel | Creation of the CalibOptions object |
CreateController | Creation and adding of a controller in a supervisor |
CreateGRiwrm | Generation of a network description containing all hydraulic nodes and the description of their connections |
CreateInputsCrit | Creation of the InputsCrit object required to the 'ErrorCrit' functions |
CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel | Creation of the InputsCrit object required to the 'ErrorCrit' functions |
CreateInputsCrit.InputsModel | Creation of the InputsCrit object required to the 'ErrorCrit' functions |
CreateInputsModel | Generic function for creating 'InputsModel' object for either *airGR* or *airGRiwrm* |
CreateInputsModel.default | Generic function for creating 'InputsModel' object for either *airGR* or *airGRiwrm* |
CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm | Creation of an InputsModel object for a *airGRiwrm* network |
CreateRunOptions | Creation of the RunOptions object |
CreateRunOptions.character | Creation of the RunOptions object |
CreateRunOptions.function | Creation of the RunOptions object |
CreateRunOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel | Creation of the RunOptions object |
CreateRunOptions.InputsModel | Creation of the RunOptions object |
CreateSupervisor | Creation of a Supervisor for handling regulation in a model |
getNoSD_Ids | Function to obtain the ID of sub-basins not using SD model |
getSD_Ids | Function to obtain the ID of sub-basins using SD model |
GRiwrm | Generation of a network description containing all hydraulic nodes and the description of their connections |
isNodeDownstream | Check if a node is downstream another one |
plot.GRiwrm | Display of a diagram representing the network structure of a GRiwrm object |
plot.GRiwrmOutputsModel | Function which creates screen plots giving an overview of the model outputs in the GRiwrm network |
plot.Qm3s | Plot of a 'Qm3s' object (time series of simulated flows) |
RunModel | RunModel function for both *airGR* InputsModel and GRiwrmInputsModel object |
RunModel.GR | Run of a rainfall-runoff model on a sub-basin |
RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel | RunModel function for _GRiwrmInputsModel_ object |
RunModel.InputsModel | Wrapper for airGR::RunModel for one sub-basin |
RunModel.SD | Run a semi-distributed model from rainfall-runoff model outputs |
RunModel.Supervisor | RunModel function for a GRiwrmInputsModel object |
Severn | Catchment attributes and hydro-meteorological timeseries for some gauging stations on the Severn River |