Artificial Intelligence for Education

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Documentation for package ‘aifeducation’ version 0.3.3

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AifeducationConfiguration R6 class for settting the global machine learning framework.
aifeducation_config R6 object of class AifeducationConfiguration
array_to_matrix Array to matrix
bow_pp_create_basic_text_rep Prepare texts for text embeddings with a bag of word approach.
bow_pp_create_vocab_draft Function for creating a first draft of a vocabulary This function creates a list of tokens which refer to specific universal part-of-speech tags (UPOS) and provides the corresponding lemmas.
calc_standard_classification_measures Calculate standard classification measures
check_aif_py_modules Check if all necessary python modules are available
combine_embeddings Combine embedded texts
create_bert_model Function for creating a new transformer based on BERT
create_deberta_v2_model Function for creating a new transformer based on DeBERTa-V2
create_funnel_model Function for creating a new transformer based on Funnel Transformer
create_longformer_model Function for creating a new transformer based on Longformer
create_roberta_model Function for creating a new transformer based on RoBERTa
create_synthetic_units Create synthetic units
EmbeddedText Embedded text
get_coder_metrics Calculate reliability measures based on content analysis
get_n_chunks Get the number of chunks/sequences for each case
get_synthetic_cases Create synthetic cases for balancing training data
install_py_modules Installing necessary python modules to an environment
load_ai_model Loading models created with 'aifeducation'
matrix_to_array_c Reshape matrix to array
save_ai_model Saving models created with 'aifeducation'
set_config_cpu_only Setting cpu only for 'tensorflow'
set_config_gpu_low_memory Setting gpus' memory usage
set_config_os_environ_logger Sets the level for logging information in tensor flow.
set_config_tf_logger Sets the level for logging information in tensor flow.
set_transformers_logger Sets the level for logging information of the 'transformers' library.
start_aifeducation_studio Aifeducation Studio
TextEmbeddingClassifierNeuralNet Text embedding classifier with a neural net
TextEmbeddingModel Text embedding model
to_categorical_c Transforming classes to one-hot encoding
train_tune_bert_model Function for training and fine-tuning a BERT model
train_tune_deberta_v2_model Function for training and fine-tuning a DeBERTa-V2 model
train_tune_funnel_model Function for training and fine-tuning a Funnel Transformer model
train_tune_longformer_model Function for training and fine-tuning a Longformer model
train_tune_roberta_model Function for training and fine-tuning a RoBERTa model
update_aifeducation_progress_bar Update master progress bar in aifeducation shiny app.
update_aifeducation_progress_bar_epochs Update epoch progress bar in aifeducation shiny app.
update_aifeducation_progress_bar_steps Update step/batch progress bar in aifeducation shiny app.