Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘aiRthermo’ version 1.2.1

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aiRthermo-package Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization
adiabatic_ascent Properties of an air parcel after adiabatic ascent
aiRthermo Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization
aiRthermoConstants Thermodynamical Constansts
AnyAdiabaticDown Adiabatic Downwards Evolution
boltonTLCL Find the Temperature at the Lifting Condensation Level (LCL)
bruntVaisallaOmegaSquared Brunt-Vaisalla (angular) frequency (squared)
C2K From Celsius to Kelvin degrees
CAPE_CIN Calculation of CAPE and CIN
densityDry Density of Dry Air
densityH2Ov Density of water vapour
densityMoistAir Density of Moist Air
dewpointdepression2rh Relative Humidity from the dew point depression
e2w Compute Mixing Ratio from partial pressure of water vapour
equivalentPotentialTemperature Equivalent Potential Temperature
export_constants Export the constants
export_lines Export the lines for the thermodynamic diagram
find_lcl Calculation of the Lifted Condensation Level (LCL)
fixedlines Data for plotting the lines of the thermodynamic (STUVE) diagram
gamma_saturated Saturated Adiabat Gamma
K2C From Kelvin to Celsius degrees
Kindex K Instability Index
latent_heat_H2O Latent heat of vaporization or sublimation of water
LIindex Lifted index
moistAdiabaticLapseRate Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate
moistCp Moist Cp
moistCv Moist cv value
parcelState State of a parcel
PT2Theta Potential Temperature from pressure and temperature
PTheta2T Temperature from pressure and potential temperature
PW Vertically integrated water vapour column
q2e Partial Vapour Pressure
q2w Water vapour mixing Ratio to specific humidity
RadiosondeA Radiosonde A
RadiosondeD Radiosonde D
RadiosondeDavenport Radiosonde Davenport
rh2shum Specific Humidity from relative humidity
rh2w Mixing Ratio from relative humidity
saturation_mixing_ratio Saturation Mixing Ratio
saturation_pressure_H2O Saturation Pressure
Sindex Showalter Instability Index
stuve_diagram Thermodynamic (STUVE) Diagram
TTdP2rh Relative Humidity from temperature, pressure and dew point temperature
TTheta2P Pressure from temperature and potential temperature
TTindex Total-Totals Instability Index
virtual_temperature Virtual Temperature
w2q Specific Humidity from mixing ratio
w2Td Dew point temperature from mixing ratio