aglm {aglm}R Documentation

Fit an AGLM model with no cross-validation


A basic fitting function with given α\alpha and λ\lambda (s). See aglm-package for more details on α\alpha and λ\lambda.


  qualitative_vars_UD_only = NULL,
  qualitative_vars_both = NULL,
  qualitative_vars_OD_only = NULL,
  quantitative_vars = NULL,
  use_LVar = FALSE,
  extrapolation = "default",
  add_linear_columns = TRUE,
  add_OD_columns_of_qualitatives = TRUE,
  add_interaction_columns = FALSE,
  OD_type_of_quantitatives = "C",
  nbin.max = NULL,
  bins_list = NULL,
  bins_names = NULL,
  family = c("gaussian", "binomial", "poisson"),



A design matrix. Usually a data.frame object is expected, but a matrix object is fine if all columns are of a same class. Each column may have one of the following classes, and aglm will automatically determine how to handle it:

  • numeric: interpreted as a quantitative variable. aglm performs discretization by binning, and creates dummy variables suitable for ordered values (named O-dummies/L-variables).

  • factor (unordered) or logical : interpreted as a qualitative variable without order. aglm creates dummy variables suitable for unordered values (named U-dummies).

  • ordered: interpreted as a qualitative variable with order. aglm creates both O-dummies and U-dummies.

These dummy variables are added to x and form a larger matrix, which is used internally as an actual design matrix. See our paper for more details on O-dummies, U-dummies, and L-variables.

If you need to change the default behavior, use the following options: qualitative_vars_UD_only, qualitative_vars_both, qualitative_vars_OD_only, and quantitative_vars.


A response variable.


Used to change the default behavior of aglm for given variables. Variables specified by this parameter are considered as qualitative variables and only U-dummies are created as auxiliary columns. This parameter may have one of the following classes:

  • integer: specifying variables by index.

  • character: specifying variables by name.


Same as qualitative_vars_UD_only, except that both O-dummies and U-dummies are created for specified variables.


Same as qualitative_vars_UD_only, except that both only O-dummies are created for specified variables.


Same as qualitative_vars_UD_only, except that specified variables are considered as quantitative variables.


Set to use L-variables. By default, aglm uses O-dummies as the representation of a quantitative variable. If use_LVar=TRUE, L-variables are used instead.


Used to control values of linear combination for quantitative variables, outside where the data exists. By default, values of a linear combination outside the data is extended based on the slope of the edges of the region where the data exists. You can set extrapolation="flat" to get constant values outside the data instead.


By default, for quantitative variables, aglm expands them by adding dummies and the original columns, i.e. the linear effects, are remained in the resulting model. You can set add_linear_columns=FALSE to drop linear effects.


Set to FALSE if you do not want to use O-dummies for qualitative variables with order (usually, columns with ordered class).


If this parameter is set to TRUE, aglm creates an additional auxiliary variable x_i * x_j for each pair ⁠(x_i, x_j)⁠ of variables.


Used to control the shape of linear combinations obtained by O-dummies for quantitative variables (deprecated).


An integer representing the maximum number of bins when aglm perform binning for quantitative variables.


Used to set custom bins for variables with O-dummies.


Used to set custom bins for variables with O-dummies.


A family object or a string representing the type of the error distribution. Currently aglm supports gaussian, binomial, and poisson.


Other arguments are passed directly when calling glmnet().


A model object fitted to the data. Functions such as predict and plot can be applied to the returned object. See AccurateGLM-class for more details.



Suguru Fujita, Toyoto Tanaka, Kenji Kondo and Hirokazu Iwasawa. (2020) AGLM: A Hybrid Modeling Method of GLM and Data Science Techniques,
Actuarial Colloquium Paris 2020


#################### Gaussian case ####################

library(MASS) # For Boston

## Read data
xy <- Boston # xy is a data.frame to be processed.
colnames(xy)[ncol(xy)] <- "y" # Let medv be the objective variable, y.

## Split data into train and test
n <- nrow(xy) # Sample size.
set.seed(2018) # For reproducibility. <- sample(n, round(n/4)) # ID numbders for test data.
test <- xy[,] # test is the data.frame for testing.
train <- xy[,] # train is the data.frame for training.
x <- train[-ncol(xy)]
y <- train$y
newx <- test[-ncol(xy)]
y_true <- test$y

## Fit the model
model <- aglm(x, y)  # alpha=1 (the default value)

## Predict for various alpha and lambda
lambda <- 0.1
y_pred <- predict(model, newx=newx, s=lambda)
rmse <- sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred)^2))
cat(sprintf("RMSE for lambda=%.2f: %.5f \n\n", lambda, rmse))

lambda <- 1.0
y_pred <- predict(model, newx=newx, s=lambda)
rmse <- sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred)^2))
cat(sprintf("RMSE for lambda=%.2f: %.5f \n\n", lambda, rmse))

alpha <- 0
model <- aglm(x, y, alpha=alpha)

lambda <- 0.1
y_pred <- predict(model, newx=newx, s=lambda)
rmse <- sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred)^2))
cat(sprintf("RMSE for alpha=%.2f and lambda=%.2f: %.5f \n\n", alpha, lambda, rmse))

#################### Binomial case ####################


## Read data
xy <- nes96

## Split data into train and test
n <- nrow(xy) # Sample size.
set.seed(2018) # For reproducibility. <- sample(n, round(n/5)) # ID numbders for test data.
test <- xy[,] # test is the data.frame for testing.
train <- xy[,] # train is the data.frame for training.
x <- train[, c("popul", "TVnews", "selfLR", "ClinLR", "DoleLR", "PID", "age", "educ", "income")]
y <- train$vote
newx <- test[, c("popul", "TVnews", "selfLR", "ClinLR", "DoleLR", "PID", "age", "educ", "income")]

## Fit the model
model <- aglm(x, y, family="binomial")

## Make the confusion matrix
lambda <- 0.1
y_true <- test$vote
y_pred <- levels(y_true)[as.integer(predict(model, newx, s=lambda, type="class"))]

print(table(y_true, y_pred))

#################### use_LVar and extrapolation ####################

library(MASS) # For Boston

## Randomly created train and test data
sd <- 0.2
x <- 2 * runif(1000) + 1
f <- function(x){x^3 - 6 * x^2 + 13 * x}
y <- f(x) + rnorm(1000, sd = sd)
xy <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
x_test <- seq(0.75, 3.25, length.out=101)
y_test <- f(x_test) + rnorm(101, sd=sd)
xy_test <- data.frame(x=x_test, y=y_test)

## Plot
nbin.max <- 10
models <- c(cv.aglm(x, y, use_LVar=FALSE, extrapolation="default", nbin.max=nbin.max),
            cv.aglm(x, y, use_LVar=FALSE, extrapolation="flat", nbin.max=nbin.max),
            cv.aglm(x, y, use_LVar=TRUE, extrapolation="default", nbin.max=nbin.max),
            cv.aglm(x, y, use_LVar=TRUE, extrapolation="flat", nbin.max=nbin.max))

titles <- c("O-Dummies with extrapolation=\"default\"",
            "O-Dummies with extrapolation=\"flat\"",
            "L-Variables with extrapolation=\"default\"",
            "L-Variables with extrapolation=\"flat\"")

par.old <- par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
for (i in 1:4) {
  model <- models[[i]]
  title <- titles[[i]]

  pred <- predict(model, newx=x_test, s=model@lambda.min, type="response")

  plot(x_test, y_test, pch=20, col="grey", main=title)
  lines(x_test, f(x_test), lty="dashed", lwd=2)  # the theoretical line
  lines(x_test, pred, col="blue", lwd=3)  # the smoothed line by the model

[Package aglm version 0.4.0 Index]