Accelerated Failure Time for High Dimensional Data with MCMC

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Documentation for package ‘afthd’ version 1.1.0

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aftbybmv Bayesian multivariate analysis of parametric AFT model with minimum deviance (DIC) among weibull, log normal and log logistic distribution.
hdata Head and neck cancer data
lgnbymv Bayesian multivariate analysis of AFT model with log normal distribution.
lgnbyuni Bayesian univariate analysis of AFT model with log normal distribution.
lgstbymv Multivariate estimates of AFT model with log logistic distribution using MCMC.
lgstbyuni Univariate estimates of AFT model with log logistic distribution using MCMC.
pvaft Estimates of univariate covariates using Accelerated Failure time (AFT) model without MCMC.
rglaft Estimates of selected univariate covariates(using regularization) in AFT model without MCMC.
rglwbysm Bayesian multivariate analysis of AFT model for selected covariates using regularization method.
rglwbysu Bayesian univariate analysis of AFT model for selected covariates using regularization method.
wbyAgmv Multivariate estimates of AFT model with weibull distribution using MCMC that supports augmented data.
wbyscrkm Bayesian multivariate estimates for competing risk gene expression data using AFT model.
wbyscrku Bayesian univariate estimates for competing risk gene expression data using AFT model.
wbysmv Posterior multivariate estimates of AFT model with weibull distribution using MCMC.
wbysuni Posterior univariate estimates of AFT model with weibull distribution using MCMC.