aw_get_calculatedmetrics {adobeanalyticsr}R Documentation

Get a list of calculated metrics.


Retrieve a list of available calculated metrics. The results will always include these default items: id, name, description, rsid, owner, polarity, precision, type. Other attributes can be optionally requested through the expansion field.


  company_id = Sys.getenv("AW_COMPANY_ID"),
  rsids = NULL,
  ownerId = NULL,
  filterByIds = NULL,
  toBeUsedInRsid = NULL,
  locale = "en_US",
  name = NULL,
  tagNames = NULL,
  favorite = NULL,
  approved = NULL,
  limit = 1000,
  page = 0,
  sortDirection = "DESC",
  sortProperty = NULL,
  expansion = NULL,
  includeType = "all",
  debug = FALSE



Company ID. If an environment variable called AW_COMPANY_ID exists in .Renviron or elsewhere and no company_id argument is provided, then the AW_COMPANY_ID value will be used. Use get_me to get a list of available company_id values.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics tied to a specified RSID or list of RSIDs. Specify multiple RSIDs as a vector (i.e., "⁠rsids = c("rsid_1", rsid_2",...rsid_n")⁠"). Use aw_get_reportsuites to get a list of available rsid values.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics owned by the specified loginId.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics in the specified list as specified by a single string or as a vector of strings.


The report suite where the calculated metric is intended to be used. This report suite is used to determine things like compatibility and permissions. If it is not specified, then the permissions will be calculated based on the union of all metrics authorized in all groups the user belongs to. If compatibility is specified for expansion, and toBeUsedInRsid is not, then the compatibility returned is based off of the compatibility from the last time the calculated metric was saved.


The locale that system-named metrics should be returned in. Non-localized values will be returned for title, name, description, etc. if a localized value is not available.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics that contain the specified name. This is case-insensitive and is a simple, single string match.


Filter the list to only include calculated metrics that contain one of the tags as specified by a single string or vector of strings.


Set to TRUE to only include calculated metrics that are favorites in the results. A value of FALSE will return all calculated metrics, including those that are favorites.


Set to TRUE to only include calculated metrics that are approved in the results. A value of FALSE will return all calculated metrics, including those that are approved and those that are not.


The number of results to return per page. The default is 1,000.


The "page" of results to display. This works in conjunction with the limit argument and is zero-based. For instance, if limit = 10 and page = 1, the results returned would be 11 through 20.


The sort direction for the results: ASC (default) for ascending or DESC for descending. (This is case insensitive, so asc and desc work as well.)


The property to sort the results by. Currently available values are id (default), name, and modified_date. Note that setting expansion = modified returns results with a column added called modified, which is the last date the calculated metric was modified. When using this value for sortProperty, though, the name of the argument is modified_date, because why would we expect locked-in consistency from Adobe?


Additional calculated metric metadata fields to include in the results: reportSuiteName, ownerFullName, modified, tags, definition, compatability, categories. See Details for more information about the quirks of this argument.


Include additional calculated metrics not owned by user. Available values are all (default), shared, and templates. The all option takes precedence over "shared"


Include the output and input of the api call in the console for debugging. Default is FALSE


This function is useful/needed to identify the specific ID of a calculated metric for use in other functions like aw_freeform_report.

The expansion argument accepts the following values, which will then include additional columns in the results:

Multiple values for expansion can be included in the argument as a vector. For instance, expansion = c("tags", "modified") will add both a tags column and a modified column to the output.


A data frame of calculated metrics and their metadata.

See Also


[Package adobeanalyticsr version 0.4.0 Index]