Estimation in Optimal Adaptive Two-Stage Designs

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Documentation for package ‘adestr’ version 1.0.0

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adestr-package adestr
AdaptivelyWeightedSampleMean Point estimators
adestr adestr
analyze Analyze a dataset
analyze-method Analyze a dataset
Bias Performance scores for point and interval estimators
BiasReduced Point estimators
c-method Combine EstimatoreScoreResult objects into a list
c-method Combine EstimatoreScoreResult objects into a list
c2_extrapol Calculate the second-stage critical value for a design with cached spline parameters
Centrality Performance scores for point and interval estimators
ConfidenceInterval Interval estimators
ConfidenceInterval-class Interval estimators
Coverage Performance scores for point and interval estimators
Estimator Statistics and Estimators of the adestr package
EstimatorScore Performance scores for point and interval estimators
EstimatorScore-class Performance scores for point and interval estimators
evaluate_estimator Evaluate performance characteristics of an estimator
evaluate_estimator-method Evaluate performance characteristics of an estimator
evaluate_estimator-methods Evaluate performance characteristics of an estimator
evaluate_scenarios_parallel Evaluate different scenarios in parallel
Expectation Performance scores for point and interval estimators
FirstStageSampleMean Point estimators
get_example_design Generate an exemplary adaptive design
get_example_statistics Generate a list of estimators and p-values to use in examples
get_stagewise_estimators Conditional representations of an estimator or p-value
get_stagewise_estimators-method Conditional representations of an estimator or p-value
get_statistics_from_paper Generate the list of estimators and p-values that were used in the paper
IntervalEstimator Interval estimators
IntervalEstimator-class Interval estimators
LikelihoodRatioOrderingCI Interval estimators
LikelihoodRatioOrderingPValue P-values
LinearShiftRepeatedPValue P-values
MedianUnbiasedLikelihoodRatioOrdering Point estimators
MedianUnbiasedMLEOrdering Point estimators
MedianUnbiasedNeymanPearsonOrdering Point estimators
MedianUnbiasedScoreTestOrdering Point estimators
MedianUnbiasedStagewiseCombinationFunctionOrdering Point estimators
MidpointLikelihoodRatioOrderingCI Point estimators
MidpointMLEOrderingCI Point estimators
MidpointNeymanPearsonOrderingCI Point estimators
MidpointScoreTestOrderingCI Point estimators
MidpointStagewiseCombinationFunctionOrderingCI Point estimators
MinimizePeakVariance Point estimators
MLEOrderingCI Interval estimators
MLEOrderingPValue P-values
MSE Performance scores for point and interval estimators
n2_extrapol Calculate the second-stage sample size for a design with cached spline parameters
NaiveCI Interval estimators
NaivePValue P-values
NeymanPearsonOrderingCI Interval estimators
NeymanPearsonOrderingPValue P-values
NormalPrior Normal prior distribution for the parameter mu
OverestimationProbability Performance scores for point and interval estimators
plot-method Plot performance scores for point and interval estimators
plot-method Plot performance scores for point and interval estimators
plot-method Plot performance scores for point and interval estimators
plot_p Plot p-values and implied rejection boundaries
PointEstimator Point estimators
PointEstimator-class Point estimators
PseudoRaoBlackwell Point estimators
PValue P-values
PValue-class P-values
RaoBlackwell Point estimators
RepeatedCI Interval estimators
SampleMean Point estimators
ScoreTestOrderingCI Interval estimators
ScoreTestOrderingPValue P-values
SoftCoverage Performance scores for point and interval estimators
StagewiseCombinationFunctionOrderingCI Interval estimators
StagewiseCombinationFunctionOrderingPValue P-values
Statistic Statistics and Estimators of the adestr package
Statistic-class Statistics and Estimators of the adestr package
Statistics Statistics and Estimators of the adestr package
TestAgreement Performance scores for point and interval estimators
TwoStageDesignWithCache TwoStageDesignWithCache constructor function
UniformPrior Uniform prior distribution for the parameter mu
Variance Performance scores for point and interval estimators
WeightedSampleMean Point estimators
Width Performance scores for point and interval estimators