Tools to Deal with Raster Maps

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Documentation for package ‘adehabitatMA’ version 0.3.16

Help Pages

adeoptions Setting options for the adehabitat* package
area2spol Conversion of old classes (adehabitat) to new classes (sp,adehabitatMA)
asc2spixdf Conversion of old classes (adehabitat) to new classes (sp,adehabitatMA)
ascgen Making Raster Maps From SpatialPoints Objects
attpol2area Conversion of old classes (adehabitat) to new classes (sp,adehabitatMA)
buffer Compute Buffers Regions
calcperimeter Compute Perimeters of Objects of Class "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" and "PolyLinesDataFrame"
count.points Number of Points in Each Pixel of a Raster Map
distfacmap Compute distances to the different levels of a factor map
explore Interactive Exploration of Maps of Class 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame' (requires the package tkrplot)
getcontour Computes the Contour Polygon of a Raster Object
hist.SpatialPixelsDataFrame Histograms of Mapped Variables
join Finds the Value of Mapped Variables at some Specified Locations (Spatial Join)
kasc2spixdf Conversion of old classes (adehabitat) to new classes (sp,adehabitatMA)
labcon Labelling Connected Features
lowres Reducing the Resolution of a Map
lynxjura Monitoring of Lynx
mimage Displaying Multi-layer Raster Maps
morphology Morphology: Erosion or Dilatation of Features on a Raster Map
puechabonsp Radio-Tracking Data of Wild Boar
show-method Print Functions for Objects of the Package 'sp' Used in 'adehabitatMA'
spol2area Conversion of old classes (adehabitat) to new classes (sp,adehabitatMA)
subsetmap Storing a Part of a Map