addsegment {adegraphics}R Documentation

Adds segments on graphics.


Adds a trellis object containing one or several segments on one or several graphical objects.


addsegment(object, x0 = NULL, y0 = NULL, x1, y1, plot = TRUE, ...)



an object of class ADEg or ADEgS

x0, y0

coordinates of points FROM which to draw, passed to the panel.segments function of the lattice package. See Details.

x1, y1

coordinates of points TO which to draw, passed to the panel.segments function of the lattice package. See Details.


a logical indicating if the graphics is displayed


Other arguments. Additional graphical parameters (see the plines list in adegpar and trellis.par.get). If object is an ADEgS, the argument which identify which ADEg is/are used for superposition.


x0, y0, x1 and y1 can be vectors. A line segment is drawn, for each i, between the point (x0[i], y0[i]) and the point (x1[i], y1[i]). The coordinate vectors will be recycled to the length of the longest.


An object of class ADEgS.


Aurelie Siberchicot and Stephane Dray

See Also

ADEg ADEgS panel.segments


data(deug, package = "ade4")
g11 <- s1d.density(deug$tab[, 1], plot = FALSE)
g12 <- addsegment(g11, x0 = deug$cent[1], x1 = deug$cent[1], y0 = 0, y1 = 1, 
  plines = list(col = "grey30", lwd = 3))
g13 <- addsegment(g11, 
  x0 = deug$cent + seq(0, 1, length.out = length(deug$cent)), 
  x1 = deug$cent + seq(0, 1, length.out = length(deug$cent)), 
  y0 = 0, y1 = 1, 
  plines = list(col = 1:length(deug$cent), lty = 1:length(deug$cent)))
# example extracted from the pedagogic file, here:
data(monde84, package = "ade4")
dfX <- = log(monde84$pib), croipop = monde84$croipop)
dfY <- = log(monde84$morta), lanal = log(monde84$anal + 1), 
  rscol = sqrt(100 - monde84$scol))
dfX0 <- ade4::scalewt(dfX)
dfY0 <- ade4::scalewt(dfY)
can1 <- cancor(dfX0, dfY0)
varcanoX <- dfX0 %*% can1$xcoef[,1]
varcanoY <- dfY0 %*% can1$ycoef[,1]
g21 <- s.label(cbind(varcanoY,varcanoX), labels = row.names(monde84), plabel.cex = 0.8, 
  plot = FALSE)
g22 <- addsegment(g21, -1.25, -1.25, 1.25, 1.25, plines.col = "purple", plines.lwd = 1.5, 
  plines.lty = 2)

[Package adegraphics version 1.0-21 Index]