tarentaise {ade4} | R Documentation |
Mountain Avifauna
This data set gives informations between sites, species, environmental and biolgoical variables.
is a list of 5 components.
- ecol
is a data frame with 376 sites and 98 bird species.
- frnames
is a vector of the 98 French names of the species.
- alti
is a vector giving the altitude of the 376 sites in m.
- envir
is a data frame with 14 environmental variables.
- traits
is a data frame with 29 biological variables of the 98 species.
The attribute col.blocks
of the data frame tarentaise$traits
indicates it is composed of 6 units of variables.
Original data from Hubert Tournier, University of Savoie and Philippe Lebreton, University of Lyon 1.
Lebreton, P., Tournier H. and Lebreton J. D. (1976) Etude de l'avifaune du Parc National de la Vanoise VI Recherches d'ordre quantitatif sur les Oiseaux forestiers de Vanoise. Travaux Scientifiques du parc National de la vanoise, 7, 163–243.
Lebreton, Ph. and Martinot, J.P. (1998) Oiseaux de Vanoise. Guide de l'ornithologue en montagne. Libris, Grenoble. 1–240.
Lebreton, Ph., Lebrun, Ph., Martinot, J.P., Miquet, A. and Tournier, H. (1999) Approche écologique de l'avifaune de la Vanoise. Travaux scientifiques du Parc national de la Vanoise, 21, 7–304.
See a data description at http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/pdf/pps038.pdf (in French).
coa1 <- dudi.coa(tarentaise$ecol, sca = FALSE, nf = 2)
s.class(coa1$li, tarentaise$envir$alti, wt = coa1$lw)
## Not run:
acm1 <- dudi.acm(tarentaise$envir, sca = FALSE, nf = 2)
s.class(acm1$li, tarentaise$envir$alti)
## End(Not run)