chickenk {ade4} | R Documentation |
Veterinary epidemiological study to assess the risk factors for losses in broiler chickens
This data set contains information about potential risk factors for losses in broiler chickens
A list with 5 components:
- mortality
a data frame with 351 observations and 4 variables which describe the losses (dependent dataset Y)
- FarmStructure
a data frame with 351 observations and 5 variables which describe the farm structure (explanatory dataset)
- OnFarmHistory
a data frame with 351 observations and 4 variables which describe the flock characteristics at placement (explanatory dataset)
- FlockCharacteristics
a data frame with 351 observations and 6 variables which describe the flock characteristics during the rearing period (explanatory dataset)
- CatchingTranspSlaught
a data frame with 351 observations and 5 variables which describe the transport, lairage conditions, slaughterhouse and inspection features (explanatory dataset)
Lupo C., le Bouquin S., Balaine L., Michel V., Peraste J., Petetin I., Colin P. and Chauvin C. (2009) Feasibility of screening broiler chicken flocks for risk markers as an aid for meat inspection. Epidemiology and Infection, 137, 1086-1098
kta1 <- ktab.list.df(chickenk)