Create Actuarial Experience Studies: Prepare Data, Summarize Results, and Create Reports

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Documentation for package ‘actxps’ version 1.5.0

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account_vals Simulated annuity data
add_predictions Add predictions to a data frame
add_transactions Add transactions to an experience study
agg_sim_dat Aggregate simulated annuity data
as_exposed_df Exposed data frame helper functions
as_exp_df Termination summary helper functions
as_trx_df Transaction summary helper functions
autoplot.exp_df Plot experience study results
autoplot.trx_df Plot experience study results
autoplot_exp Plot experience study results
autotable Tabular experience study summary
autotable.exp_df Tabular experience study summary
autotable.trx_df Tabular experience study summary
census_dat Simulated annuity data
expose Create exposure records from census records
expose_cm Create exposure records from census records
expose_cq Create exposure records from census records
expose_cw Create exposure records from census records
expose_cy Create exposure records from census records
expose_pm Create exposure records from census records
expose_pq Create exposure records from census records
expose_pw Create exposure records from census records
expose_py Create exposure records from census records
expose_split Split calendar exposures by policy year
exp_shiny Interactively explore experience data
exp_stats Summarize experience study records
is_exposed_df Exposed data frame helper functions
is_exp_df Termination summary helper functions
is_split_exposed_df Split calendar exposures by policy year
is_trx_df Transaction summary helper functions
plot_actual_to_expected Additional plotting functions for termination studies
plot_special Additional plotting functions for termination studies
plot_special_trx Additional plotting functions for transaction studies
plot_termination_rates Additional plotting functions for termination studies
plot_utilization_rates Additional plotting functions for transaction studies
pol_mth Calculate policy duration
pol_qtr Calculate policy duration
pol_wk Calculate policy duration
pol_yr Calculate policy duration
qx_iamb 2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Table and Projection Scale G2
scale_g2 2012 Individual Annuity Mortality Table and Projection Scale G2
sim_data Simulated annuity data
step_expose Create exposure records in a 'recipes' step
summary.exposed_df Summarize experience study records
summary.exp_df Summarize experience study records
summary.trx_df Summarize transactions and utilization rates
toy_census Toy policy census data
trx_stats Summarize transactions and utilization rates
withdrawals Simulated annuity data