actuaRE-package |
Handling Hierarchically Structured Risk Factors using Random Effects Models |
.addREs |
Add random effects to the data frame |
actuaRE |
Handling Hierarchically Structured Risk Factors using Random Effects Models |
adjustIntercept |
Adjust the intercept to regain the balance property |
BalanceProperty |
Balance property |
dataCar |
data Car |
findbars |
Determine random-effects expressions from a formula |
fitted.hierCredGLM |
Class "hierCredGLM" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
fitted.hierCredibility |
Class "hierCredibility" of fitted hierarchical credibility models |
fitted.hierCredTweedie |
Class "hierCredTweedie" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
fixed.effects |
Extract fixed-effects estimates |
fixef |
Extract fixed-effects estimates |
fixef-actuaRE |
Extract the fixed-effects estimates from a fitted random effects model |
fixef.hierCredGLM |
Extract the fixed-effects estimates from a fitted random effects model |
fixef.hierCredTweedie |
Extract the fixed-effects estimates from a fitted random effects model |
glFormula |
Modular Functions for Mixed Model Fits |
hachemeisterLong |
Hachemeister Data Set |
hierCredGLM |
Combining the hierarchical credibility model with a GLM (Ohlsson, 2008) |
hierCredGLM-class |
Class "hierCredGLM" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
hierCredibility |
Hierarchical credibility model of Jewell |
hierCredibility-class |
Class "hierCredibility" of fitted hierarchical credibility models |
hierCredTweedie |
Combining the hierarchical credibility model with a GLM (Ohlsson, 2008) |
hierCredTweedie-class |
Class "hierCredTweedie" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
is.formula |
Formula |
isNested |
Is f1 nested within f2? |
nobars |
Omit terms separated by vertical bars in a formula |
NrUnique |
Number of unique elements in a vector |
plotRE |
Visualizing the random effect estimates using ggplot2 |
predict.hierCredGLM |
Model predictions |
predict.hierCredibility |
Model predictions |
predict.hierCredTweedie |
Model predictions |
print.BalanceProperty |
Print method for an object of class 'BalanceProperty' |
print.hierCredGLM |
Class "hierCredGLM" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
print.hierCredibility |
Class "hierCredibility" of fitted hierarchical credibility models |
print.hierCredTweedie |
Class "hierCredTweedie" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
ranef |
Extract the modes of the random effects |
ranef-actuaRE |
Extract the random effect estimates from a fitted random effects model |
ranef.hierCredGLM |
Extract the random effect estimates from a fitted random effects model |
ranef.hierCredibility |
Extract the random effect estimates from a fitted random effects model |
ranef.hierCredTweedie |
Extract the random effect estimates from a fitted random effects model |
summary.hierCredGLM |
Class "hierCredGLM" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
summary.hierCredibility |
Class "hierCredibility" of fitted hierarchical credibility models |
summary.hierCredTweedie |
Class "hierCredTweedie" of fitted random effects models estimated with Ohlsson's GLMC algorithm |
tweedieGLMM |
Fitting a Tweedie GLMM, using the initial estimates of hierCredTweedie |
weights-actuaRE |
Extract the model weights |
weights.cpglm |
Extract the model weights |
weights.hierCredGLM |
Extract the model weights |
weights.hierCredTweedie |
Extract the model weights |