advEfficiency |
Calculate beta estimations for efficiency |
blankWorkspace |
Create a Blank Workspace |
completeMatrix |
Complete a Distances Matrix |
createWorkspace |
Deprecated function. |
dataToList |
Import RData in a list format |
distancesMatrix |
Calculate Distances Matrix |
dualArrayCJS |
Calculate estimated last-array efficiency |
emptyMatrix |
Create a Template Distances Matrix |
exampleWorkspace |
Deploy Example Data |
explore |
Explorative Analysis |
extractCodeSpaces |
Extract Code Spaces from transmitter names |
extractSignals |
Extract signals from transmitter names |
getSpeeds |
Extract speeds from the analysis results. |
getTimes |
Extract timestamps from the analysis results. |
loadShape |
loadSpatial |
Load Spatial File |
migration |
Migration Analysis |
plotArray |
Plot simultaneous/cumulative presences at a give array or set of arrays |
plotDetections |
Plot detections for a single tag |
plotLive |
Plot array live times |
plotMoves |
Plot moves for one ore more tags |
plotRatios |
Plot global/group residency |
plotResidency |
Plot residency for a single tag |
plotSensors |
Plot sensor data for a single tag |
plotTimes |
Print circular graphics for time series. |
preload |
Load a dataset before running an analysis |
readDot |
Read dot file or string |
recoverLog |
Recover latest actel crash log |
residency |
Residency Analysis |
shapeToRaster |
Load shapefile and convert to a raster object. |
simpleCJS |
Analytical CJS model |
stationName |
Find original station name |
timesToCircular |
Convert a data frame with timestamps into a list of circular objects |
transitionLayer |
Calculate Transition Layer |