Modelling Multivariate Data with Additive Bayesian Networks

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Documentation for package ‘abn’ version 3.1.1

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AIC.abnFit Print AIC of objects of class 'abnFit'
BIC.abnFit Print BIC of objects of class 'abnFit'
build.control Control the iterations in 'buildScoreCache'
check.valid.fitControls Simple check on the control parameters
coef.abnFit Print coefficients of objects of class 'abnFit'
compareDag Compare two DAGs or EGs
compareEG Compare two DAGs or EGs
discretization Discretization of a Possibly Continuous Data Frame of Random Variables based on their distribution
entropyData Computes an Empirical Estimation of the Entropy from a Table of Counts
essentialGraph Construct the essential graph
expit expit of proportions
expit_cpp expit function
family.abnFit Print family of objects of class 'abnFit'
fit.control Control the iterations in 'fitAbn'
getMSEfromModes Extract Standard Deviations from all Gaussian Nodes
infoDag Compute standard information for a DAG.
linkStrength Returns the strengths of the edge connections in a Bayesian Network learned from observational data
logit Logit of proportions
logit_cpp logit functions
logLik.abnFit Print logLik of objects of class 'abnFit'
mb Compute the Markov blanket
miData Empirical Estimation of the Entropy from a Table of Counts
modes2coefs Convert modes to fitAbn.mle$coefs structure
mostProbable Find most probable DAG structure
nobs.abnFit Print number of observations of objects of class 'abnFit'
odds Probability to odds
or Odds Ratio from a matrix
plot.abnDag Plots DAG from an object of class 'abnDag'
plot.abnFit Plot objects of class 'abnFit'
plot.abnHeuristic Plot objects of class 'abnHeuristic'
plot.abnHillClimber Plot objects of class 'abnHillClimber'
plot.abnMostprobable Plot objects of class 'abnMostprobable'
print.abnCache Print objects of class 'abnCache'
print.abnDag Print objects of class 'abnDag'
print.abnFit Print objects of class 'abnFit'
print.abnHeuristic Print objects of class 'abnHeuristic'
print.abnHillClimber Print objects of class 'abnHillClimber'
print.abnMostprobable Print objects of class 'abnMostprobable'
scoreContribution Compute the score's contribution in a network of each observation.
searchHeuristic A family of heuristic algorithms that aims at finding high scoring directed acyclic graphs
searchHillClimber Find high scoring directed acyclic graphs using heuristic search.
simulateAbn Simulate data from a fitted additive Bayesian network.
simulateDag Simulate a DAG with with arbitrary arcs density
skewness Computes skewness of a distribution
summary.abnDag Prints summary statistics from an object of class 'abnDag'
summary.abnFit Print summary of objects of class 'abnFit'
summary.abnMostprobable Print summary of objects of class 'abnMostprobable'
toGraphviz Convert a DAG into graphviz format