AIC.abnFit |
Print AIC of objects of class 'abnFit' |
BIC.abnFit |
Print BIC of objects of class 'abnFit' |
build.control |
Control the iterations in 'buildScoreCache' |
check.valid.fitControls |
Simple check on the control parameters |
coef.abnFit |
Print coefficients of objects of class 'abnFit' |
compareDag |
Compare two DAGs or EGs |
compareEG |
Compare two DAGs or EGs |
discretization |
Discretization of a Possibly Continuous Data Frame of Random Variables based on their distribution |
entropyData |
Computes an Empirical Estimation of the Entropy from a Table of Counts |
essentialGraph |
Construct the essential graph |
expit |
expit of proportions |
expit_cpp |
expit function |
family.abnFit |
Print family of objects of class 'abnFit' |
fit.control |
Control the iterations in 'fitAbn' |
getMSEfromModes |
Extract Standard Deviations from all Gaussian Nodes |
infoDag |
Compute standard information for a DAG. |
linkStrength |
Returns the strengths of the edge connections in a Bayesian Network learned from observational data |
logit |
Logit of proportions |
logit_cpp |
logit functions |
logLik.abnFit |
Print logLik of objects of class 'abnFit' |
mb |
Compute the Markov blanket |
miData |
Empirical Estimation of the Entropy from a Table of Counts |
modes2coefs |
Convert modes to fitAbn.mle$coefs structure |
mostProbable |
Find most probable DAG structure |
nobs.abnFit |
Print number of observations of objects of class 'abnFit' |
odds |
Probability to odds |
or |
Odds Ratio from a matrix |
plot.abnDag |
Plots DAG from an object of class 'abnDag' |
plot.abnFit |
Plot objects of class 'abnFit' |
plot.abnHeuristic |
Plot objects of class 'abnHeuristic' |
plot.abnHillClimber |
Plot objects of class 'abnHillClimber' |
plot.abnMostprobable |
Plot objects of class 'abnMostprobable' |
print.abnCache |
Print objects of class 'abnCache' |
print.abnDag |
Print objects of class 'abnDag' |
print.abnFit |
Print objects of class 'abnFit' |
print.abnHeuristic |
Print objects of class 'abnHeuristic' |
print.abnHillClimber |
Print objects of class 'abnHillClimber' |
print.abnMostprobable |
Print objects of class 'abnMostprobable' |
scoreContribution |
Compute the score's contribution in a network of each observation. |
searchHeuristic |
A family of heuristic algorithms that aims at finding high scoring directed acyclic graphs |
searchHillClimber |
Find high scoring directed acyclic graphs using heuristic search. |
simulateAbn |
Simulate data from a fitted additive Bayesian network. |
simulateDag |
Simulate a DAG with with arbitrary arcs density |
skewness |
Computes skewness of a distribution |
summary.abnDag |
Prints summary statistics from an object of class 'abnDag' |
summary.abnFit |
Print summary of objects of class 'abnFit' |
summary.abnMostprobable |
Print summary of objects of class 'abnMostprobable' |
toGraphviz |
Convert a DAG into graphviz format |