Analyze High-Dimensional High-Throughput Dataset and Quality Control Single-Cell RNA-Seq

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Documentation for package ‘ZetaSuite’ version 1.0.1

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countMat Subsampled data from in-house HTS2 screening for global splicing regulators.
countMatSC The cell x gene matrix from single-cell RNA-seq.
EventCoverage Generation of Zeta Plot.
FDRcutoff Find a cut-off according to screen strength.
negGene Input negative file.
nonExpGene Input internal negative control file.
posGene Input positive file.
QC Quality control of input datasets.
SVM Find a SVM curve to separate positive and negative controls.
SVMcurve The SVM curve lines in Zeta-plot.
Zeta Calculation of zeta and weighted zeta score.
ZetaSuitSC Calculation of zeta score for single cell RNA-seq.
Zscore Z-transformation for input matrix.
ZseqList The bin size for Zeta calculation.