chicks_data {ZeBook}R Documentation

Data of growth of chicks


This dataset content dynamic measurements of growth of chicks for different individuals and different strains. The data comes from a selection experiment on chicken initiated by F. Ricard Research Station on Poultry of INRA Nouzilly. The selection focuses on weight at 8 and 36 weeks and allowed to differentiate the following five strains:

strain 1 : X-+ (low at 8, but high at 36 weeks)

strain 2 : X+- (high at 8, but low at 36 weeks)

strain 3 : X++ (high weight at both ages)

strain 4 : X- (low weight for both ages)

strain 5 : X0 (control).

This is a sub-sample of 50 females in the last generation of selection with weight data (in g) at 12 different ages to complete measurement (0, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24; 28, 32, 36 and 40 weeks).




a RangedData instance, 1 row : strain ; id_animal ; time (day) ; liveweight (g).


Duval M., Robert-Granie C., Foulley J.-L. (2009) Estimation of heterogeneous variances in non linear mixed models via the SAEM algorithm with applications to growth curves in poultry. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique, 150,65-83

Donnet S., Foulley J.-L., Samson A. (2010) Bayesian analysis of growth curves using mixed models defined by stochastic differential equations. Biometrics 66, 733-741

Jaffrezic F., Meza C., Foulley .J.-L., Lavielle M. (2006) The SAEM algorithm for the analysis of non linear traits in genetic studies. Genetics, Selection, Evolution,38, 583-

This dataset was used in a training session Biobayes (France, 2011) training session.

Albert I., Ancelet S., David O., Denis J.B., Makowski D., Parent E., Soubeyrand S. (2012) Methodes statistiques bayesiennes. Bases theoriques et applications en alimentation, environnement et genetique. FormaScience. Ecole-chercheurs INRA.

[Package ZeBook version 1.1 Index]