getCCC2 {WeibullR}R Documentation

Determination of the square of the "Critical Correlation Coefficient" (CCC2).


Abernethy has promoted the 10th percentile of Correlation Coefficients generated by pivotal Monte Carlo analysis as a critical measure by which a fit should be designated suitable for further analysis. According to his practice, the difference between the square of the Correlation Coefficient and the CCC2 (R^2 - CCC^2) is used to make comparitive judgments between weibull and lognormal fitting on the same data.


getCCC2(F, model="weibull") 



The quantity of complete failure data points under consideration.


A string defining the distribution under consideration. Only a value of "lnorm" will be treated any differently from default of "weibull".


The value returned is derived from a correlation developed from previously run pivotal analysis with 10^8 random samples. Project "Abernethy Reliability Methods" has judged that only the CCC^2 derived from 2 parameter models to have usefullness in such analysis. This is seen from the "Detect Power" presentations in Appendix D of "The New Weibull Handbook, Fifth Edition". For validity of a 3rd parameter optimization on a given model over its 2 parameter fit, only the Likelihood Ratio Test will be applied. This validity check requires an LRT-P greater than 50


Returns a single valued vector for the square of CCC (for comparison with R squared).


Robert B. Abernethy, (2008) "The New Weibull Handbook, Fifth Edition"

Wes Fulton, (2005) "Improved Goodness of Fit: P-value of the Correlation Coefficient"

Chi-Chao Lui, (1997) "A Comparison Between The Weibull And Lognormal Models Used To Analyse Reliability Data" (dissertation from University of Nottingham)


thisCCC2<-getCCC2(50, "lnorm")

[Package WeibullR version 1.2.1 Index]