Weibull Analysis for Reliability Engineering

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Documentation for package ‘WeibullR’ version 1.2.1

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WeibullR-package Weibull-R : Weibull Analysis on R
AbPval Determination of the percentile of r and r-squared, by correlation. Here designated "Abernethy's P-value"
BBB Beta Binomial Bounds
contour.wblr S3 Likelihood Ratio Contour Maps From 'wblr' Objects
FMbounds Fisher Matrix bounds
getCCC2 Determination of the square of the "Critical Correlation Coefficient" (CCC2).
getPercentilePlottingPositions Determination of percentile plotting positions for linear regression with many optional methods
getPPP Alias for 'getPercentilePlottingPositions', sets data into the format required by lslr.
hrbu Hirose and Ross beta unbias factors for Weibull MLE
LLln Log Likelihood for log-normal fitted data, failures and suspensions only
LLw Log Likelihood for weibull fitted data, failures and suspensions only
LRbounds Likelihood Ratio bounds
lslr Least squares linear regression with many optional methods
MLEcontour Likelihood Ratio Contour for Weibull and Lognormal Fitted Data
mlefit Maximum likelihood regression on Weibull and Lognormal distributions
mleframe Set life(time) data into the format required by mlefit
MLEln2p Quick Fit, Maximum Likelihood Estimate for 2-parameter lognormal distributions
MLEln3p Quick Fit, Maximum Likelihood Estimate for 3-parameter lognormal distributions
MLEw2p Quick Fit, Maximum Likelihood Estimate for 2-parameter weibull distributions
MLEw3p Quick Fit, Maximum Likelihood Estimation for weibull distribution in 3-parameters
MRRln2p Quick Fit, Median rank regression for 2-parameter log-normal distributions
MRRln3p Quick Fit, Median rank regression for log-normal distribution with third parameter optimization
MRRw2p Quick Fit, Median rank regression for 2-parameter weibull distributions
MRRw3p Quick Fit, Median rank regression for weibull distribution in 3-parameters
options.wblr Options list for 'wblr' Objects
p2y Transform Probability Value to the Y-Axis of a '"plot.wblr"' Canvas
pivotal.rr Pivotal 'Monte Carlo' re-sampling of least squares linear regression models
plot.wblr S3 'wblr' Object Plotting on pretty canvax
plot_contour Plotting of Likelihood Ratio Contours from 'wblr' Objects
rba Reduced Bias Adjustment for Weibull and Lognormal MLE
wblr Create a 'wblr' Object for Life Data Analysis
wblr.conf Add Confidence Interval Bounds to 'wblr' Objects
wblr.fit Add Fit Distributions to 'wblr' Objects
wblrLoglike Log likelihood for Weibull and Lognormal fitted data including intervals
weibayes Fitting for Minimal Failure Datasets
weibayes.mle Fitting for Minimal Failure Datasets using likelihood optimization
xbounds Extract a bounds dataframe from a 'wblr' Object
xfit Extract a Fit Summary from a 'wblr' Object