Tools for Analyzing Wastewater and Environmental Sampling Data

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Documentation for package ‘WES’ version 1.0.0

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apply_amplification_efficiency Apply PCR amplification efficiency estimation to a data.frame
apply_delta_delta_ct Apply the delta delta Ct calculation to a data.frame
calc_delta_delta_ct Calculate delta delta Ct
calc_n_copies Calculate number of target copies
calc_sample_sizes Calculate sample sizes
coords_to_iso3 Convert coordinates to ISO country code
download_admin_data Download administrative boundaries from geoBoundaries API
download_elevation_data Download DEM from AWS Terrain Tiles
download_worldpop_data Download WorldPop population raster data
est_amplification_efficiency Estimate PCR amplification efficiency
get_admin_data Get administrative data for a set of points
get_elevation_data Get elevation data
get_esi_data Get Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) data
get_geoboundaries_api_data Request metadata from GeoBoundaries API
get_hydro_data Get hydrological data
get_population_catchment Get population counts within catchments of sampling sites
get_population_radius Get population counts within a radius of sampling sites
get_precip_data Get precipitation data
get_river_discharge_data Get river discharge data
get_temp_data Get temperature data
template_WES_data Template environmental sampling data
template_WES_standard_curve Template standard curve data