Simplified Vertex-Wise Analyses of Whole-Brain and Hippocampal Surface

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Documentation for package ‘VertexWiseR’ version 1.0.0

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atlas_to_surf Atlas to surface
decode_surf_data Decode surface data
edgelistfs5 List of edges for the fsaverage5 template
edgelistfs6 List of edges for the fsaverage6 template
edgelistHIP List of edges for the hippocampal template
fs5_to_fs6 fsaverage5 to fsaverage6
fs6_to_fs5 fsaverage6 to fsaverage5
fs6_to_fs5_map fsaverage6 template object for nearest neighbor conversion in fs6_to_fs5()
HIPvextract HIPvextract
hip_points_cells points and cells data required to build the hippocampus surface template
MNImap_fs5 fsaverage5 surface in MNI space
MNImap_fs6 fsaverage6 surface in MNI space
MNImap_hip Hippocampal surface in MNI space
plot_surf Surface plotter
ROImap_fs5 Atlas parcellations of fsaverage5
ROImap_fs6 Atlas parcellations of fsaverage6
ROImap_HIP Atlas parcellations of the hippocampus
smooth_surf Smooth surface
SURFvextract SURFvextract
surf_to_atlas Surface to atlas
surf_to_vol Surface to volume
TFCE.threshold Thresholding TFCE output
TFCE.vertex_analysis Vertex-wise analysis with TFCE (fixed effect)
TFCE.vertex_analysis.mixed Vertex-wise analysis with TFCE (mixed effect)
vertex_analysis Vertex-wise analysis
VWRfirstrun VertexWiseR system requirements installation