resSep {VDAP}R Documentation

Select Peptides with the Specified Amino Acid Residue(s) at an Indicated Position


Allows the experimenter to subset peptide data based on a selected amino acid residue or sequence a specified position(s). Requires the experimenter to select the residue(s) and position(s) of interest at a given length or length/charge combination.


resSep(File,Length,Charge = NULL,Pos,Res)



An object, generally a data.frame, the vFormat object with peptide and signal data.


An integer, the desired length of the peptides to separate.


An integer, the desired charge of the peptides to separate. Defaults to Charge = NULL, which carries out length separation only.


An integer or sequence, the position(s) to check for the residue(s) of interest.


A character input. The residue(s) to check for at the given position(s). The lengths of the arguments Pos and Res must match. Multiple residues are entered as a single character string. Ex: Res = "RA".


The lengths of the arguments Pos and Res must match.

Sequence Positions are read from right to left.

Ex: The residue "R" in 5-mer sequence "RSGSG" is at position 5.

When typing in a sequence of interest, it will be in reverse with regard to the displayed sequence.

Ex: Sequence "SR" at positions 4:5 in the 5-mer"RSGSG"


A data.frame of the same format as the argument File containing only peptides that contain the specified residue(s) at the indicated position(s).


Cody Moore

See Also



## Example data.frame ##

protEx.resSep <- data.frame(Peptides = c("PWRGPWARVGSG","GYNRVGQGSG","PNGYRSGVKGSG","GSG"),
Length = c(12,10,12,3),Charge = c(2,1,2,0),Kd = c(0.2572361,2.8239730,3.3911868,281.3058),
C_6uM = c(65011.48,47462.24,24778,2613.03),C_6uM2 = c(62637.81,20723.85,21313.67,2300.216))

## Single Residue Separation ##

resSepEx1 <- resSep(protEx.resSep,12,2,5,"R")

## Positional Sequence Separation ##

resSepEx2 <- resSep(protEx.resSep,12,2,5:6,c("RA"))

[Package VDAP version 2.0.0 Index]