TunePareto-package |
Multi-objective parameter tuning for classifiers |
allCombinations |
Build a list of all possible combinations of parameter values |
as.interval |
Specify a continous interval |
createObjective |
Create a new objective function |
crossValidation |
Predefined precalculation functions for objectives |
cvAccuracy |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvConfusion |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvError |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvErrorVariance |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvFallout |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvFalseNegative |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvFalsePositive |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvMiss |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvNPV |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvPPV |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvPrecision |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvRecall |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvSensitivity |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvSpecificity |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvTrueNegative |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvTruePositive |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
cvWeightedError |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
generateCVRuns |
Generate cross-validation partitions |
mergeTuneParetoResults |
Calculate optimal solutions from several calls of tunePareto |
plotDominationGraph |
Visualize the Pareto fronts of parameter configuration scores |
plotObjectivePairs |
Plot a matrix of Pareto front panels |
plotParetoFronts2D |
A classical 2-dimensional plot of Pareto fronts |
precalculation |
Predefined precalculation functions for objectives |
predefinedClassifiers |
TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers |
predefinedObjectiveFunctions |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
predict.TuneParetoModel |
Prediction method for TuneParetoClassifier objects |
print.TuneParetoClassifier |
Print method for objects used in TunePareto |
print.TuneParetoModel |
Print method for objects used in TunePareto |
print.TuneParetoResult |
Print method for objects used in TunePareto |
rankByDesirability |
Rank results according to their desirabilities |
recalculateParetoSet |
Recalculate Pareto-optimal solutions |
reclassAccuracy |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassConfusion |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassError |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassFallout |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassFalseNegative |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassFalsePositive |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassification |
Predefined precalculation functions for objectives |
reclassMiss |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassNPV |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassPPV |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassPrecision |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassRecall |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassSensitivity |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassSpecificity |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassTrueNegative |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassTruePositive |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
reclassWeightedError |
Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning |
trainTuneParetoClassifier |
Train a TunePareto classifier |
TunePareto |
Multi-objective parameter tuning for classifiers |
tunePareto |
Generic function for multi-objective parameter tuning of classifiers |
tunePareto.knn |
TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers |
tunePareto.NaiveBayes |
TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers |
tunePareto.randomForest |
TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers |
tunePareto.svm |
TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers |
tunePareto.tree |
TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers |
tuneParetoClassifier |
Create a classifier object |