Multi-Objective Parameter Tuning for Classifiers

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Documentation for package ‘TunePareto’ version 2.5.3

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TunePareto-package Multi-objective parameter tuning for classifiers
allCombinations Build a list of all possible combinations of parameter values
as.interval Specify a continous interval
createObjective Create a new objective function
crossValidation Predefined precalculation functions for objectives
cvAccuracy Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvConfusion Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvError Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvErrorVariance Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvFallout Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvFalseNegative Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvFalsePositive Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvMiss Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvNPV Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvPPV Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvPrecision Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvRecall Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvSensitivity Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvSpecificity Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvTrueNegative Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvTruePositive Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
cvWeightedError Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
generateCVRuns Generate cross-validation partitions
mergeTuneParetoResults Calculate optimal solutions from several calls of tunePareto
plotDominationGraph Visualize the Pareto fronts of parameter configuration scores
plotObjectivePairs Plot a matrix of Pareto front panels
plotParetoFronts2D A classical 2-dimensional plot of Pareto fronts
precalculation Predefined precalculation functions for objectives
predefinedClassifiers TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers
predefinedObjectiveFunctions Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
predict.TuneParetoModel Prediction method for TuneParetoClassifier objects
print.TuneParetoClassifier Print method for objects used in TunePareto
print.TuneParetoModel Print method for objects used in TunePareto
print.TuneParetoResult Print method for objects used in TunePareto
rankByDesirability Rank results according to their desirabilities
recalculateParetoSet Recalculate Pareto-optimal solutions
reclassAccuracy Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassConfusion Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassError Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassFallout Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassFalseNegative Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassFalsePositive Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassification Predefined precalculation functions for objectives
reclassMiss Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassNPV Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassPPV Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassPrecision Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassRecall Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassSensitivity Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassSpecificity Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassTrueNegative Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassTruePositive Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
reclassWeightedError Predefined objective functions for parameter tuning
trainTuneParetoClassifier Train a TunePareto classifier
TunePareto Multi-objective parameter tuning for classifiers
tunePareto Generic function for multi-objective parameter tuning of classifiers
tunePareto.knn TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers
tunePareto.NaiveBayes TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers
tunePareto.randomForest TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers
tunePareto.svm TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers
tunePareto.tree TunePareto wrappers for certain classifiers
tuneParetoClassifier Create a classifier object