AB.withDescalation {TrialSize}R Documentation

A + B Escalation Design with Dose De-escalation


The general A+B designs with dose de-escalation. There are A patients at dose level i.

(1) If less than C/A patients have dose limiting toxicity (DLTs), then the dose is escalated to the next dose level i+1.

(2)If more than D/A (D \ge C) patients have DLTs, then it will come back to dose i-1.If more than A patients have already been treated at dose level i-1, it will stop here and dose i-1 is the MTD. If there are only A patients treated at dose i-1, then Bmore patients are treated at this dose level i-1. This is dose de-escalation. The de-escalation may continue to the next dose level i-2 and so on if necessary.

(3)If no less than C/A but no more than D/A patients have DLTs, B more patients are treated at this dose level i.

(4)If no more than E (where E \ge D) of the total A+B patients have DLT, then the dose is escalated.

(5)If more than E of the total of A+B patients have DLT, and the similar procedure in (2) will be applied.


AB.withDescalation(A, B, C, D, E, DLT)



number of patients for the start A


number of patients for the continuous B


number of patients for the first cut off C


number of patients for the second cut off D, D \ge C


number of patients for the third cut off D, E \ge D


dose limiting toxicity rate for each dose level.


For this design, the MTD is the dose level at which no more than E/(A+B) patients experience DLTs, and more than D/A or (no less than C/A and no more than D/A) if more than E/(A+B) patients treated with the next higher dose have DLTs.


Chow SC, Shao J, Wang H. Sample Size Calculation in Clinical Research. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003


# Example.11.6.2[7]=0.2 

[Package TrialSize version 1.4 Index]