Inference, Aggregation and Visualization for Top-K Ranked Lists

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Documentation for package ‘TopKLists’ version 1.0.8

Help Pages

aggmap Aggregation map for the integration of truncated lists
Borda Borda based rank aggregation
Borda.plot Plot Borda's scores against ranks
breast Sample data from breast cancer expression
calculate.maxK The main function for TopKInference
CEMC CEMC based rank aggregation Calculates point of degeneration j0 into noise of the Idata, applying moderate deviation-based inference
deltaplot An exploratory plot of discordance for delta selection.
geo.mean Calculate the geometric mean
init.p Initialization method for probabilities
input Sample input for TopKSpace functions
j0.multi Function returning an overall point j0 of degeneration into noise for multiple ranked lists
Kendall.plot Plot of the Kendall Criterion values
Kendall2Lists Calculate modified Kendall's tau distance
Kendall2Lists.c Calculate modified Kendall's tau distance
KendallMLists KendallMLists
l2norm Calculate the L2 norm
MC Markov chain based rank aggregation
MC.plot Plot of the ordered stationary probabilities
MC.ranks MC based rank aggregation
prepare.idata Prepare Idata vector of 0's and 1's
space Sample input for TopKSpace functions
Spearman Modified Spearman's footrule distance
TopKLists Inference, aggregation and visualization for top-_k_ ranked lists
TopKListsGUI TopKListsGUI for inference and visualization
TopKSample Sampler to generate N top-k lists according to p
TopKSample.c Sampler to generate N top-k lists according to p
TopKSpaceSampleInput Sample input for TopKSpace functions
trans.matrix Compute transition matrices