overlapScores {TopDom}R Documentation

Calculates Overlap Scores Between Two Sets of Topological Domains


Calculates Overlap Scores Between Two Sets of Topological Domains


overlapScores(a, reference, debug = getOption("TopDom.debug", FALSE))


a, reference

Topological domain (TD) set AA and TD reference set RR both in a format as returned by TopDom().


If TRUE, debug output is produced.


The overlap score, overlap(A,ri)overlap(A', r_i), represents how well a consecutive subset AA' of topological domains (TDs) in AA overlap with topological domain rir_i in reference set RR. For each reference TD rir_i, the best match AmaxA'_max is identified, that is, the AA' subset that maximize overlap(A,ri)overlap(A', r_i). For exact definitions, see Page 8 in Shin et al. (2016).

Note that the overlap score is an asymmetric score, which means that overlapScores(a, b) != overlapScores(b, a).


Returns a named list of class TopDomOverlapScores, where the names correspond to the chromosomes in domain reference set RR. Each of these chromosome elements contains a data.frame with fields:

where DR,cD_{R,c} is the number of TDs in reference set RR on chromosome cc. If a TD in reference RR is not a "domain", then the corresponding best_score and best_length values are NA_real_ and NA_integer_, respectively, while best_set is an empty list.

Warning - This might differ not be the correct implementation

The original TopDom scripts do not provide an implementation for calculating overlap scores. Instead, the implementation of TopDom::overlapScores() is based on the textual description of overlap scores provided in Shin et al. (2016). It is not known if this is the exact same algorithm and implementation as the authors of the TopDom article used.


Henrik Bengtsson - based on the description in Shin et al. (2016).


See Also



path <- system.file("exdata", package = "TopDom", mustWork = TRUE)

## Original count data (on a subset of the bins to speed up example)
chr <- "chr19"
pathname <- file.path(path, sprintf("nij.%s.gz", chr))
data <- readHiC(pathname, chr = chr, binSize = 40e3, bins = 1:500)

## Find topological domains using TopDom method for two window sizes
tds_5 <- TopDom(data, window.size = 5L)
tds_6 <- TopDom(data, window.size = 6L)

## Overlap scores (in both directions)
overlap_56 <- overlapScores(tds_6, reference = tds_5)

overlap_65 <- overlapScores(tds_5, reference = tds_6)

[Package TopDom version 0.10.1 Index]