Melting Temperature of Nucleic Acid Sequences

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Documentation for package ‘TmCalculator’ version 1.0.3

Help Pages

c2s convert a vector of characters into a string
check_filter Check and filter invalid base of nucleotide sequences
chem_correction Corrections of melting temperature with chemical substances
complement complement and reverse complement base of nucleotide sequences
GC Calculate G and C content of nucleotide sequences
print.TmCalculator Prints melting temperature from a 'TmCalculator' object
s2c convert a string into a vector of characters
salt_correction Corrections of melting temperature with salt ions
Tm_GC Calculate the melting temperature using empirical formulas based on GC content
Tm_NN Calculate melting temperature using nearest neighbor thermodynamics
Tm_Wallace Calculate the melting temperature using the 'Wallace rule'