Three-Way Component Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘ThreeWay’ version 1.1.3

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bootstrapCP Bootstrap percentile intervals for CANDECOMP/PARAFAC
bootstrapT3 Bootstrap percentile intervals for Tucker3
Bus Bus data
Cc Columnwise centering of a matrix
ccmat Columns concatenation
cent3 Centering of a matricized array
CP Interactive Candecomp/Parafac analysis
CPdimensionalityplot Plot fit of Candecomp/Parafac
CPfitpartitioning Fit of each entity per mode
CPfunc Algorithm for the Candecomp/Parafac (CP) model
CPfuncrep Algorithm for the Candecomp/Parafac (CP) model
CPrunsFit Candecomp/Parafac solutions
DimSelector Convex Hull procedure
jointplotgen Jointplots
Kinship Kinship terms data
LineCon Middle point location
meaudret Meaudret data
norm3 Normalization of a matricized array
normvari Normalized varimax rotation
nrm2 Columnwise normalization of a matrix
ord Order
orth Orthonormalization of a matrix
orthmax2 Orthomax Rotation
pcamean PCA of the mean matrix
pcasup1 PCASup Analysis
pcasup2 PCASup Analysis
pcasup3 PCASup Analysis
percentile95 95% percentile intervals
permnew Permutation of a matricized array
perms Permutation
phi Phi coefficient
rarray Array reconstruction
renormsolCP Scaling of the Candecomp/Parafac solution
renormsolT3 Renormalization of the Tucker3 (and Tucker2) solution
splithalfCP Split-Half Analysis
splithalfT3 Split-Half Analysis
SUM Summary
supermat Matrix unfolding
T1 Interactive Tucker1 analysis
T1runsFit Tucker1 solutions
T2 Interactive Tucker2 analysis
T2func Algorithm for the Tucker2 model
T2funcrep Algorithm for the Tucker2 model
T2runsApproxFit Approximated Tucker2 solutions
T3 Interactive Tucker3 analysis
T3dimensionalityplot Plot fit of Tucker3
T3fitpartitioning Fit of each entity per mode
T3func Algorithm for the Tucker3 model
T3funcrep Algorithm for the Tucker3 model
T3runsApproxFit Approximated Tucker3 solutions
threewayanova Three-way ANOVA
tr Trace
TV TV data
varim Varimax roation
varimcoco Varimax Rotation for Tucker3 and Tucker2