A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T misc
app | Open TestDesign app |
array_dirinfo_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_dirinfo_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_dirinfo_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_dirinfo_m_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_e_1pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
array_e_2pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
array_e_3pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
array_e_gpc | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
array_e_gr | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
array_e_pc | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
array_h_1pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
array_h_2pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
array_h_3pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
array_h_gpc | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
array_h_gr | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
array_h_pc | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
array_info_1pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_m_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_info_pc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_j_1pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
array_j_2pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
array_j_3pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
array_j_gpc | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
array_j_gr | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
array_j_pc | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
array_p_1pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_2pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_3pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_gpc | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_gr | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_m_gr | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_p_pc | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
array_thisdirinfo_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_thisdirinfo_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_thisdirinfo_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
array_thisdirinfo_m_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
as.data.frame-method | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
as.data.frame-method | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
a_to_alpha | Calculate alpha angles from a-parameters |
buildConstraints | Build constraints (shortcut to other loading functions) |
c-method | Basic operators for constraints objects |
c-method | Basic operators for item pool objects |
calcEscore | Calculate expected scores |
calcEscore-method | Calculate expected scores |
calcFisher | Calculate Fisher information |
calcFisher-method | Calculate Fisher information |
calcHessian | Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
calcHessian-method | Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
calcJacobian | Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
calcJacobian-method | Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
calcLocation | Calculate central location (overall difficulty) |
calcLocation-method | Calculate central location (overall difficulty) |
calcLocation-methods | Calculate central location (overall difficulty) |
calcLogLikelihood | Calculate log-likelihood |
calcLogLikelihood-method | Calculate log-likelihood |
calcProb | Calculate item response probabilities |
calcProb-method | Calculate item response probabilities |
calcProb-methods | Calculate item response probabilities |
calc_info | (C++) For multiple items, calculate Fisher information |
calc_info_EB | Calculate the Fisher information using empirical Bayes |
calc_info_FB | Calculate the Fisher information using full Bayesian |
calc_info_matrix | (C++) For multiple items, calculate Fisher information |
calc_likelihood | (C++) For multiple items, calculate likelihoods |
calc_likelihood_function | (C++) For multiple items, calculate likelihoods |
calc_log_likelihood | (C++) For multiple items, calculate likelihoods |
calc_log_likelihood_function | (C++) For multiple items, calculate likelihoods |
calc_MI_FB | Calculate the mutual information using full Bayesian |
calc_posterior | Calculate a posterior value of theta |
calc_posterior_function | Calculate a posterior distribution of theta |
calc_posterior_single | Calculate a posterior value of theta for a single item |
checkConstraints | Check the consistency of constraints and item usage |
colnames-method | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
colnames-method | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
combineConstraints | Basic operators for constraints objects |
combineItemPool | Basic operators for item pool objects |
config_Shadow-class | Create a config_Shadow object |
config_Static-class | Create a config_Static object |
constraint-class | Class 'constraint': a single constraint |
constraints-class | Class 'constraints': a set of constraints |
constraints-operators | Basic operators for constraints objects |
constraints_bayes | Bayes dataset |
constraints_bayes_data | Bayes dataset |
constraints_fatigue | Fatigue dataset |
constraints_fatigue_data | Fatigue dataset |
constraints_reading | Reading dataset |
constraints_reading_data | Reading dataset |
constraints_science | Science dataset |
constraints_science_data | Science dataset |
createShadowTestConfig | Create a config_Shadow object |
createStaticTestConfig | Create a config_Static object |
dataset_bayes | Bayes dataset |
dataset_fatigue | Fatigue dataset |
dataset_reading | Reading dataset |
dataset_science | Science dataset |
detectBestSolver | Detect best solver |
dim-method | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
dim-method | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
dirinfo_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
dirinfo_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
dirinfo_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
dirinfo_m_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
EAP | Compute expected a posteriori estimates of theta |
eap | Compute expected a posteriori estimates of theta |
EAP-method | Compute expected a posteriori estimates of theta |
eap-method | Compute expected a posteriori estimates of theta |
e_1pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_2pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_3pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_gpc | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_gr | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_item | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_m_gr | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
e_pc | (C++) Calculate expected scores |
find_segment | (C++) Classify theta values into segments using cutpoints |
getSolution | Print solution items |
getSolution-method | Print solution items |
getSolutionAttributes | Retrieve constraints-related attributes from solution |
h_1pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_2pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_3pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_gpc | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_gr | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_item | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_m_gr | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
h_pc | (C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood |
info_1pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_item | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_m_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
info_pc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
iparPosteriorSample | Generate item parameter samples using standard errors |
item | Item classes |
item-classes | Item classes |
itemattrib_bayes | Bayes dataset |
itemattrib_bayes_data | Bayes dataset |
itemattrib_fatigue | Fatigue dataset |
itemattrib_fatigue_data | Fatigue dataset |
itemattrib_reading | Reading dataset |
itemattrib_reading_data | Reading dataset |
itemattrib_science | Science dataset |
itemattrib_science_data | Science dataset |
itempool_bayes | Bayes dataset |
itempool_bayes_data | Bayes dataset |
itempool_fatigue | Fatigue dataset |
itempool_fatigue_data | Fatigue dataset |
itempool_reading | Reading dataset |
itempool_reading_data | Reading dataset |
itempool_science | Science dataset |
itempool_science_data | Science dataset |
itempool_se_bayes_data | Bayes dataset |
itemtext_fatigue_data | Fatigue dataset |
item_1PL-class | Item classes |
item_2PL-class | Item classes |
item_3PL-class | Item classes |
item_attrib-class | Load item attributes |
item_attrib-operators | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
item_GPC-class | Item classes |
item_GR-class | Item classes |
item_PC-class | Item classes |
item_pool-class | Class 'item_pool': an item pool |
item_pool-operators | Basic operators for item pool objects |
item_pool_cluster-class | Class 'item_pool_cluster': an item pool |
j_1pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_2pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_3pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_gpc | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_gr | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_item | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_m_gr | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
j_pc | (C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood |
lnHyperPars | Convert mean and standard deviation into log-normal distribution parameters |
loadConstraints | Load constraints |
loadItemAttrib | Load item attributes |
loadItemPool | Load item pool |
loadStAttrib | Load set/stimulus/passage attributes |
logitHyperPars | Convert mean and standard deviation into logit-normal distribution parameters |
makeItemPoolCluster | Create an item pool cluster object |
makeItemPoolCluster-method | Create an item pool cluster object |
makeSimulationDataCache | Create a simulation data cache object |
makeSimulationDataCache-method | Create a simulation data cache object |
makeTest | Create a test object |
makeTest-method | Create a test object |
makeTestCluster | Create a test cluster object |
makeTestCluster-method | Create a test cluster object |
MLE | Compute maximum likelihood estimates of theta |
mle | Compute maximum likelihood estimates of theta |
MLE-method | Compute maximum likelihood estimates of theta |
mle-method | Compute maximum likelihood estimates of theta |
mlef | Compute maximum likelihood estimates of theta using fence items |
mlef-method | Compute maximum likelihood estimates of theta using fence items |
names-method | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
names-method | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
OAT | Open TestDesign app |
output_Shadow-class | Class 'output_Shadow': adaptive assembly solution for one simulee |
output_Shadow_all-class | Class 'output_Shadow_all': a set of adaptive assembly solutions |
output_Split-class | Class 'output_Split': partitioning solution |
output_Static-class | Class 'output_Static': fixed-form assembly solution |
plot | Extension of plot() for objects in TestDesign package |
plot-method | Extension of plot() for objects in TestDesign package |
Extension of print() for objects in TestDesign package | |
print-method | Extension of print() for objects in TestDesign package |
p_1pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_2pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_3pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_gpc | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_gr | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_item | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_m_gr | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
p_pc | (C++) Calculate item response probability |
RE | Calculate Relative Errors |
resp_fatigue_data | Fatigue dataset |
RMSE | Calculate Root Mean Squared Error |
rownames-method | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
rownames-method | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
runAssembly | Run Test Assembly |
Shadow | Run adaptive test assembly |
Shadow-method | Run adaptive test assembly |
show | Extension of show() for objects in TestDesign package |
show-method | Extension of show() for objects in TestDesign package |
simResp | Simulate item response data |
simResp-method | Simulate item response data |
simulation_data_cache-class | Class 'simulation_data_cache': data cache for Shadow() |
Split | Split an item pool into partitions |
Split-method | Split an item pool into partitions |
Static | Run fixed-form test assembly |
Static-method | Run fixed-form test assembly |
stimattrib_reading | Reading dataset |
stimattrib_reading_data | Reading dataset |
st_attrib-class | Load set/stimulus/passage attributes |
st_attrib-operators | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
subsetConstraints | Basic operators for constraints objects |
subsetItemPool | Basic operators for item pool objects |
subsetTest | Basic operators for test objects |
summary | Extension of summary() for objects in TestDesign package |
summary-classes | Summary classes |
summary-method | Extension of summary() for objects in TestDesign package |
summary_constraints-class | Summary classes |
summary_item_attrib-class | Summary classes |
summary_item_pool-class | Summary classes |
summary_output_Shadow_all-class | Summary classes |
summary_output_Static-class | Summary classes |
summary_st_attrib-class | Summary classes |
test-class | Class 'test': data cache for simulations |
TestDesign | Open TestDesign app |
testSolver | Test solver |
test_cluster-class | Class 'test_cluster': data cache for simulations |
test_operators | Basic operators for test objects |
theta_EAP | (C++) Calculate a theta estimate using EAP (expected a posteriori) method |
theta_EAP_matrix | (C++) Calculate a theta estimate using EAP (expected a posteriori) method |
theta_EB | (C++) Calculate a theta estimate using EB (Empirical Bayes) method |
theta_EB_single | (C++) Calculate a theta estimate using EB (Empirical Bayes) method |
theta_FB | (C++) Calculate a theta estimate using FB (Full Bayes) method |
theta_FB_single | (C++) Calculate a theta estimate using FB (Full Bayes) method |
thisdirinfo_m_2pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
thisdirinfo_m_3pl | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
thisdirinfo_m_gpc | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
thisdirinfo_m_gr | (C++) Calculate Fisher information |
toggleConstraints | Toggle constraints |
+.item_pool | Basic operators for item pool objects |
-.item_pool | Basic operators for item pool objects |
==.item_pool | Basic operators for item pool objects |
==.item_pool_cluster | Create an item pool cluster object |
[-method | Basic operators for constraints objects |
[-method | Basic functions for item attribute objects |
[-method | Basic operators for item pool objects |
[-method | Basic functions for stimulus attribute objects |
[-method | Basic operators for test objects |