B C D E F G H L M O P R S T U V W Z misc
TeachingDemos-package | Various functions for demonstration and learning. |
bct | Box-Cox Transforms |
cal | Plot a month or year calendar |
ccc | Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit |
char2seed | Convert a character string into a random seed |
chisq.detail | Print details of a chi-squared test |
ci.examp | Plot examples of Confidence Intervals |
clipplot | Clip plotting to a rectangular region |
clt.examp | Plot Examples of the Central Limit Theorem |
cnvrt.coords | Convert between the 5 different coordinate sytems on a graphical device |
coin.faces | Designs for coin faces for use with plot.rgl.coin |
col2gray | Convert colors to grey/grayscale |
col2grey | Convert colors to grey/grayscale |
cor.rect.plot | Plot a visualization of the correlation using colored rectangles |
dice | Simulate rolling dice |
digits | Return the digits that make up an integer |
dots | Create a quick dotchart (histogram) |
dots2 | Create a quick dotchart (histogram) |
dynIdentify | Interacively place labels for points in a plot |
emp.hpd | Compute Highest Posterior Density Intervals |
etxtComment | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
etxtPlot | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
etxtSkip | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
etxtStart | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
etxtStop | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
evap | Data on soil evaporation. |
face2.plot | Chernoff Faces |
faces | Chernoff Faces |
faces2 | Chernoff Faces |
fagan.plot | Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests |
flip.rgl.coin | Animated die roll or coin flip |
gp.close | Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot |
gp.open | Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot |
gp.plot | Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot |
gp.send | Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot |
gp.splot | Alpha version functions to send plotting commands to GnuPlot |
h2h | Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit |
hpd | Compute Highest Posterior Density Intervals |
HTKidentify | Show label for point being Hovered over. |
HWidentify | Show label for point being Hovered over. |
lattice.demo | Interactively explore the conditioned panels in lattice plots. |
ldsgrowth | Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. |
loess.demo | Demonstrate the internals of loess curve fits |
mdtxtComment | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
mdtxtPlot | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
mdtxtSkip | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
mdtxtStart | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
mdtxtStop | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
mle.demo | Demonstrate the basic concept of Maximum Likelihood Estimation |
ms.arrows | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.face | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.female | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.filled.polygon | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.image | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.male | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.polygon | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.polygram | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
ms.sunflowers | Symbol functions/data to be passed as symb argument to my.symbols |
my.symbols | Draw Symbols (User Defined) on a Plot |
oldzoomplot | Zoom or unzoom an existing plot in the plot window |
outliers | Outliers data |
pairs2 | Create part of a scatterplot matrix |
panel.dice | Simulate rolling dice |
panel.my.symbols | Draw Symbols (User Defined) on a Lattice Plot |
petals | Play the Petals Around the Rose game |
plot.dice | Simulate rolling dice |
plot2script | Create a script from the current plot |
plotFagan | Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests |
plotFagan.old | Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests |
plotFagan2 | Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests |
plotFagan2.old | Create a Fagan plot to demonstrate Bayes Theorem and screening tests |
power.examp | Graphically illustrate the concept of power. |
power.refresh | Graphically illustrate the concept of power. |
Predict.Plot | Plot predicted values from a model against one of the predictors for a given value of the othe predictors |
prepanel.dice | Simulate rolling dice |
put.points.demo | Demonstrate Correlation and Regression by placing and moving data points |
Pvalue.binom.sim | Simulate P-values |
Pvalue.norm.sim | Simulate P-values |
rgl.coin | Animated die roll or coin flip |
rgl.die | Animated die roll or coin flip |
rgl.Map | Plot a map in an rgl window |
roc.demo | Demonstrate ROC curves by interactively building one |
roll.rgl.die | Animated die roll or coin flip |
rotate.cloud | Interactively rotate 3D plots |
rotate.persp | Interactively rotate 3D plots |
rotate.wireframe | Interactively rotate 3D plots |
run.ci.examp | Plot examples of Confidence Intervals |
run.cor.examp | Interactively demonstrate correlations |
run.cor2.examp | Interactively demonstrate correlations |
run.hist.demo | Create a histogram and interactively change the number of bars. |
run.old.cor.examp | Interactively demonstrate correlations |
run.old.cor2.examp | Interactively demonstrate correlations |
run.power.examp | Graphically illustrate the concept of power. |
run.power.examp.old | Graphically illustrate the concept of power. |
run.Pvalue.binom.sim | Simulate P-values |
run.Pvalue.norm.sim | Simulate P-values |
SensSpec.demo | Demonstrate Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, and NPV |
shadowtext | Add text to a plot with a contrasting background. |
sigma.test | One sample Chi-square test for a population variance |
simfun | Create a function to simulate data |
slider | slider / button control widgets |
sliderv | Create a Tk slider window |
SnowsCorrectlySizedButOtherwiseUselessTestOfAnything | Snow's Correctly Sized But Otherwise Useless Test of Anything |
SnowsPenultimateNormalityTest | Test the uninteresting question of whether the data represents an exact normal distribution. |
spread.labs | Spread out close points for labeling in plots |
squishplot | Squish the plotting area to a specified aspect ratio |
steps | Steps data |
stork | Neyman's Stork data |
subplot | Embed a new plot within an existing plot |
TeachingDemos | Various functions for demonstration and learning. |
TkApprox | Plot a set of data in a Tk window and interactively move lines to see predicted y-values corresponding to selected x-values. |
tkBrush | Change the Color and Styles of points interactively |
TkBuildDist | Interactively create a probability distribution. |
TkBuildDist2 | Interactively create a probability distribution. |
tkexamp | Create Tk dialog boxes with controls to show examples of changing parameters on a graph. |
TkIdentify | Interacively place labels for points in a plot |
TkListView | Interactivly view structures of list and list like objects. |
TkPredict | Plot predicted values from a model against one of the predictors for a given value of the othe predictors |
TkSpline | Plot a set of data in a Tk window and interactively move a line to see predicted y-values from a spline fit corresponding to selected x-values. |
towork | Sample data downloaded and converted from a GPS unit |
tree.demo | Interactively demonstrate regression trees |
triplot | Create or add to a Trilinear Plot |
txtComment | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtSkip | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtStart | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtStop | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
updateusr | Updates the 'usr' coordinates in the current plot. |
USCrimes | US Crime Statistics |
vis.binom | Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters. |
vis.boxcox | Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations |
vis.boxcox.old | Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations |
vis.boxcoxu | Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations |
vis.boxcoxu.old | Interactively visualize Box-Cox transformations |
vis.gamma | Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters. |
vis.normal | Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters. |
vis.t | Plot various distributions then interactivly adjust the parameters. |
vis.test | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
vt.normhist | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
vt.qqnorm | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
vt.residpermute | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
vt.residsim | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
vt.scatterpermute | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
vt.tspermute | Do a Visual test of a null hypothesis by choosing the graph that does not belong. |
wdtxtComment | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
wdtxtPlot | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
wdtxtSkip | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
wdtxtStart | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
wdtxtStop | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
z.test | Z test for known population standard deviation |
zoomplot | Zoom or unzoom an existing plot in the plot window |
%<% | Less than or Less than and equal operators that can be chained together. |
%<=% | Less than or Less than and equal operators that can be chained together. |