Transmission Ratio Distortion

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Documentation for package ‘TRD’ version 1.1

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TRD-package Transmission Ratio Distortion
find.maf Find minor allele frequency (MAF) in case-trios, control-trios, or the whole sample.
find.t Find transmission ratio of minor alleles in mother, father or both parents.
gcount Calculate genotype counts (additive model) for selected population.
ll Fit Loglinear model with and without adjustment for TRD.
prev Calculate theoretical prevalence of disease
rtrios Generate simulated popoulation of case- and control-trios
strata.cnt Count trios for each of the 15/16 strata with mother-father-child genotypes MFC
tdt Compute TDT and adjusted TDT on case- and/or control-trios
TRD Transmission Ratio Distortion