TMB.Version {TMB}R Documentation

Version information on API and ABI.


The R interface to TMB roughly consists of two components: (1) The 'API' i.e. R functions documented in this manual and (2) C-level entry points, here referred to as the 'ABI', which controls the C++ code. The latter can be shown by getDLLRegisteredRoutines(DLL) where DLL is the shared library generated by the compile function (or by a package linking to TMB). A DLL compiled with one version of TMB can be used with another version of TMB provided that the 'ABI' is the same. We therefore define the 'ABI version' as the oldest ABI compatible version. This number can then be used to tell if re-compilation of a DLL is necessary after updating TMB.




List with components package (API version) and abi (ABI version) inspired by corresponding function in the Matrix package.

[Package TMB version 1.9.14 Index]