Machine Learning and Inference for Topological Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘TDApplied’ version 3.0.3

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analyze_representatives Analyze the data point memberships of multiple representative (co)cycles.
bootstrap_persistence_thresholds Estimate persistence threshold(s) for topological features in a data set using bootstrapping.
check_PyH_setup Make sure that python has been configured correctly for persistent homology calculations.
check_ripser Verify an imported ripser module.
diagram_distance Calculate distance between a pair of persistence diagrams.
diagram_kernel Calculate persistence Fisher kernel value between a pair of persistence diagrams.
diagram_kkmeans Cluster a group of persistence diagrams using kernel k-means.
diagram_kpca Calculate the kernel PCA embedding of a group of persistence diagrams.
diagram_ksvm Fit a support vector machine model where each training set instance is a persistence diagram.
diagram_mds Dimension reduction of a group of persistence diagrams via metric multidimensional scaling.
diagram_to_df Convert a TDA/TDAstats persistence diagram to a data frame.
distance_matrix Compute a distance matrix from a list of persistence diagrams.
gram_matrix Compute the gram matrix for a group of persistence diagrams.
import_ripser Import the python module ripser.
independence_test Independence test for two groups of persistence diagrams.
permutation_test Permutation test for finding group differences between persistence diagrams.
plot_diagram Plot persistence diagrams
plot_vr_graph Plot a VR graph using the igraph package.
predict_diagram_kkmeans Predict the cluster labels for new persistence diagrams using a pre-computed clustering.
predict_diagram_kpca Project persistence diagrams into a low-dimensional space via a pre-computed kernel PCA embedding.
predict_diagram_ksvm Predict the outcome labels for a list of persistence diagrams using a pre-trained diagram ksvm model.
PyH Fast persistent homology calculations with python.
vr_graphs Compute Vietoris-Rips graphs of a dataset at particular epsilon radius values.