fmri_2dvisual |
visualization of the 2D brain (axial, sagittal and coronal) with the activated areas |
fmri_3dvisual |
visualization of the 3D brain with the activated areas |
fmri_3dvisual_region |
visualization of the 3D brain with the activated areas by regions |
fmri_image |
interactive graph object of the fMRI image |
fmri_kimesurface |
interactive graph object of 3D kime-series |
fmri_post_hoc |
post-hoc process for p values |
fmri_pval_comparison_2d |
2D comparison visualization between the p-values |
fmri_pval_comparison_3d |
comparison between 3d visualization for p-values |
fmri_ROI_phase1 |
p-values on region of interest(ROI) of the brain |
fmri_ROI_phase2 |
tensor-on-tensor regression on region of interest(ROI) of the brain |
fmri_simulate_func |
real-valued fMRI data simulation |
fmri_stimulus_detect |
fMRI data stimulus detection |
fmri_time_series |
visualization of the fMRI data (real, imaginary, magnitude, and phase parts) in time series |
fmri_ts_forecast |
forecast the fMRI data based on the time series |
GaussSmoothArray |
GaussSmoothArray |
GaussSmoothKernel |
GaussSmoothKernel |
numerical method to compute inverse of Laplace Transform |
inv_kimesurface_transform |
inverse kimesurface transform on a function in different periodic ranges |
kimesurface_transform |
kimesurface transform on a function with a specified set of complex values |
LT |
numerical method to compute Laplace Transform |
mask |
mask |
mask_dict |
mask_dict |
mask_label |
mask_label |
phase1_pval |
phase1_pval |
phase2_pval |
phase2_pval |
phase3_pval |
phase3_pval |
sample_save |
sample_save |