transformPlanarCalibrationCoordinates {StereoMorph}R Documentation

Performs rotational and translational transformations to a planar grid


This function rotates and translates a planar grid or grids according to specified transformation parameters. This function is called by dltCalibrateCameras, to find the optimal transformation parameters for a set of arbitrarily oriented grid points that minimizes DLT calibration error. This function is also called by dltTestCalibration to generate an ideal grid for accuracy testing.


transformPlanarCalibrationCoordinates(tpar, nx, ny, sx, sy = NULL)



a vector of six transformation parameters per grid. The first three being rotational parameters (rotation about the z, y and x axes, respectively) and the second three being translational parameters (translation along the x, y and z axes, respectively). For more than one grid, these six values are concatenated as a vector.


the number of points along the first dimension (e.g. this would be the number of points in each row if points are listed first by row).


the number of points along the second dimension (e.g. this would be the number of points in each column if points are listed first by row).


a scaling factor along the first dimension.


a scaling factor along the second dimension. If the grid blocks are squares, this can be left as NULL and only sx will be used.


a matrix of transformed 3D grid coordinates


Aaron Olsen

See Also

dltCalibrateCameras, dltTransformationParameterRMSError, dltTestCalibration

[Package StereoMorph version 1.6.7 Index]