Bayesian Mortality Modelling with 'Stan'

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Documentation for package ‘StanMoMo’ version 1.2.0

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StanMoMo-package The 'StanMoMo' package.
apc_stan Bayesian Age-Period-Cohort model with 'Stan'
boxplot_post_dist Boxplot for the posterior distribution
cbd_stan Bayesian Cairns-Blake-Dowd (CBD) model with Stan
compute_weights_BMA Compute the model evidence/marginal likelihood via bridge sampling (or via the harmonic mean estimator if bridge sampling fails)
extract_map Function to get the a posterior means of the parameters based on a stanfit object
fit_mo_mo Wrapper function to fit and forecast mortality models
FRMaleData Deaths and Exposures Data of French Males
lc_stan Bayesian Lee-Carter with Stan
m6_stan Bayesian M6 model with Stan
mortality_weights Model averaging/weighting via future-out stacking or pseudo-BMA weighting
rh_stan Bayesian Renshaw-Haberman model with Stan
sim_death_apc Simulation of death counts from the Age-Period-Cohort mortality model
sim_death_cbd Simulation of death counts from the CBD model
sim_death_lc Simulation of death counts from the Lee-Carter mortality model
sim_death_m6 Simulation of death counts from the M6 model
sim_death_mix_cbd_rh Simulation of death counts from a hybrid model that averages the mortality rates from the cbd and rh models
sim_death_rh Simulation of death counts from the Renshaw-Haberman mortality model
sim_mortality_data Simulation of mortality data from various models
StanMoMo The 'StanMoMo' package.