SpatialGraph-package {SpatialGraph}R Documentation

The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities


Provision of the S4 SpatialGraph class built on top of objects provided by 'igraph' and 'sp' packages, and associated utilities. See the documentation of the SpatialGraph-class within this package for further description. An example of how from a few points one can arrive to a SpatialGraph is provided in the function sl2sg().



Package: SpatialGraph
Version: 1.0-4
Type: Package
Title: The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities
Date: 2023-09-26
Imports: igraph, methods, pracma, sf, shape, sp, splancs
Author: Javier Garcia-Pintado
Maintainer: Javier Garcia-Pintado <>
Description: Provision of the S4 SpatialGraph class built on top of objects provided by 'igraph' and 'sp' packages, and associated utilities. See the documentation of the SpatialGraph-class within this package for further description. An example of how from a few points one can arrive to a SpatialGraph is provided in the function sl2sg().
License: GPL (>=2)

Index of help topics:

SpatialGraph            Create a SpatialGraph object
SpatialGraph-class      Class "SpatialGraph"
SpatialGraph-package    The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities
attSGe                  Add or Modify attributes in SpatialGraph edges
distSG                  Calculate across-network distance for a set of
                        sparse points
distSGv                 Calculate the distance slot in a SpatialGraph
explodeSLDF             Explode Lines in a SpatialLinesDataFrame
pointLineD              Euclidean distance from a set of points to a
                        line segment
pointOnLine             Snap a points to a line
pointOnSegment          Snap a points to a segment
pointsPolylineD         closest points in a polyline to a set of points
pointsSLDFchain         Obtain chainage from sparse points along a
pointsToLines           Snap a set of points to a set of lines
polylineChainage        Obtain the chainage of nodes along a polyline
polylineLength          Obtain the length of a polyline
revSGe                  Reverse Lines in a SpatialGraph
rotation                Rotate 2D points
routeSDG                Accumulate sources/sinks along a directed
sg2igraph               Map a SpatialGraph into an igraph
sgChVIDs                Change vertex IDs in a SpatialGraph
sl2sg                   Map a SpatialLinesDataFrame into a SpatialGraph
splitPolyline           Split a polyline into a number of transects
splitSLDF               Split 1-Line Lines in a SpatialLines or a
                        SpatialLinesDataFrame by intersection with a
                        point dataset
textSGe                 Label edges in a SpatialGraph plot

see the documentation of the function sl2sg in this package to get a start. A case study making use if this package is Garcia-Pintado et al (2015)


Javier Garcia-Pintado

Maintainer: Javier Garcia-Pintado <>


The first published application of this package is Garcia-Pintado, J. et al. (2015). Satellite-supported flood forecasting in river networks: a real case study. J. Hydrol. 523, 705-724.

[Package SpatialGraph version 1.0-4 Index]