The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities

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Documentation for package ‘SpatialGraph’ version 1.0-4

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SpatialGraph-package The SpatialGraph Class and Utilities
attSGe Add or Modify attributes in SpatialGraph edges
distSG Calculate across-network distance for a set of sparse points
distSGv Calculate the distance slot in a SpatialGraph
explodeSLDF Explode Lines in a SpatialLinesDataFrame
pointLineD Euclidean distance from a set of points to a line segment
pointOnLine Snap a points to a line
pointOnSegment Snap a points to a segment
pointsPolylineD closest points in a polyline to a set of points
pointsSLDFchain Obtain chainage from sparse points along a SpatialLinesDataFrame
pointsToLines Snap a set of points to a set of lines
polylineChainage Obtain the chainage of nodes along a polyline
polylineLength Obtain the length of a polyline
revSGe Reverse Lines in a SpatialGraph
rotation Rotate 2D points
routeSDG Accumulate sources/sinks along a directed SpatialGraph
sg2igraph Map a SpatialGraph into an igraph
sgChVIDs Change vertex IDs in a SpatialGraph
sl2sg Map a SpatialLinesDataFrame into a SpatialGraph
SpatialGraph Create a SpatialGraph object
SpatialGraph-class Class "SpatialGraph"
splitPolyline Split a polyline into a number of transects
splitSLDF Split 1-Line Lines in a SpatialLines or a SpatialLinesDataFrame by intersection with a point dataset
textSGe Label edges in a SpatialGraph plot