Nonparametric Modeling and Monitoring of Spatio-Temporal Data

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Documentation for package ‘SpTe2M’ version 1.0.3

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SpTe2M-package Nonparametric Modeling and Monitoring of Spatio-Temporal Data
cv_mspe Cross-validation mean squared prediction error
ili_dat Florida influenza-like illness data
mod_cv Modifed cross-validation for bandwidth selection
pm25_dat PM2.5 concentration data
sim_dat A simulated spatio-temporal dataset
SpTe2M Nonparametric Modeling and Monitoring of Spatio-Temporal Data
sptemnt_cusum Online spatio-temporal process monitoring by a CUSUM chart
sptemnt_ewmac Spatio-temporal process monitoring using covariate information
sptemnt_ewsl Spatio-temporal process monitoring using exponentially weighted spatial LASSO
spte_covest Estimate the spatio-temporal covariance function
spte_decor Decorrelate the spatio-temporal data
spte_meanest Estimate the spatio-temporal mean function
spte_semiparmreg Fit the semiparametric spatio-temporal model